Monday, January 9, 2012

Medicine Cabinet . . .

Or, what have you tangled lately?

A couple years ago,we found an old clock case at a yard sale that had glass shelves in it instead of a clock.

Maria said, "Let's get it."


When we got home, Maria cleaned it up and applied gesso to the border to create a white background. She used a black Sakura® Pigma™ Graphic 1 to tangle on the gesso.  After distressing it with some sandpaper and stain she topped it off with a couple coats of polyurethane.

A local glass store replaced the glass with a mirror and, Voilá, the medicine cabinet!

  • 1 antique clock case ($20 at yard sale)
  • Gesso
  • brush
  • Pigma™ Graphic 1 (black)
  • Stain 
  • Polyurethane
  • Mirror
Tell us some interesting things that you have tangled!

Click images for closer views.


  1. i tangled the lid of the toilet in my downstairs bathroom... i'll have to post a pic...

  2. Denise Gaffney SandersJanuary 9, 2012 at 1:10 PM

    Great idea and inspiration!!! :D

  3. I definitely NEED to see the lid to the commode.... that is too cool. M

  4. I love this idea. I'm going to have to find something fabulous like this to tangle!

  5. I did some wall switch plates. And a few months ago I did my reeboks!

  6. I have a paper mâché box with hinges and a handle that I carry my pens and art journal around in that I am in the process of tangling, but it's not done yet. My son gave it to me for Christmas.

  7. That sounds like a nice project....m

  8. I've been using gesso and then tangling on rocks washed smooth by the ocean, but I think I'll also try a coat of acrylic paint on them before tangling.

  9. Wow,Mirror border look awesome.Mirror border look so different.It is so different art and creations.

  10. A couple years ago,we found an old clock case at a yard sale that had glass shelves in it instead of a clock.sildenafil pharmacy online


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