Thursday, March 8, 2012

More Show and Tell (CZT-8)

Here are some more images that will round out our time at February's teacher training.

Here is a mosaic of one of our workshop sets of tiles. The are mounted on a muslin coated foam-core display. We use straight pins to hold the tiles without putting holes in them.

At one point, Molly taught some of her tangles:

Here's Maria, during a break, showing how to do punzel:

We played with tangling on fabric. Here Maria is lettering some strings:

On the screen you can see one of the bar coasters from the hotel. We tangled a bunch of them and they are now framed and hanging in the hotel. Here's a look at some of them:

Everyone contributed to a group Zentangle which was framed and then this lucky student got to take home!

As you can see, we had a wonderful time. This was our third seminar in February and our weather luck continued. There was no snow on the ground and it was in the 50s . . . amazing weather for February in New England!

We open registration in about a week for our next two teacher certification seminars, August 12 - 15 and September 23 - 26. We'll announce it in our newsletter and in this blog.

Click to enjoy some larger images.


  1. Hello.. I am searching for a way to contact you as I am considering registering for the CZT class in August. I'm deaf and have several questions/concerns.... Can somebody direct me to where I should be presenting my questions???
    Thanks! :)

  2. Hi Genny,

    You can email me at

    best, Maria

  3. Hi, I just want to say that is ME in the picture holding that fabulous piece of group artwork. I absolutely LOVE it!

  4. Thanks Rick and Maria for sharing the photos. One of my students attended CZT 8 - how cool is that!!!


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