Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Pea-nuckle Challenge

Laura Harms' Challenge #71 is to use pea-nuckle.

Pea-nuckle is a new tangle that Molly designed and which we introduced in this newsletter. This tangle is quite flexible. In this version, I (Rick) arranged the "S's" so they radiated from the center.

Once you have those "S's" in place, completing it quickly settles into a soothing rhythm. It's easy to zone out (or is that "in"?) with this tangle.

For a tile, I used a prestrung Zendala. I did not use all the strings on this tile. I simply acknowledged the ones I wanted and tangled over the others as if they weren't there.

Please take a moment to visit Laura Harms' site to enjoy the growing collection of exquisite pea-nuckle examples.

Click image for larger view.


  1. I think that the pea-knuckle looks like a beautiful woven basket- like they make in the south- the sepia is perfect for that purpose. The paradox in the center is gorgeous!

  2. Just stunning! Love the basket look Pea Nuckle takes on in this.

  3. Really beautiful Zendala.

  4. Paradox and Pea-Nuckle - Perfect!

  5. (O-o-oh, I finally get it. Maybe because you used brown. It's like PEA-NUT! *smacks head*)
    Very lovely tile by the way!

  6. Stunning ! Love those fans of yours!

  7. This is beautiful, this is really a tangle you have to keep trying with, it gets better and more fun as you go!

  8. Oh my goodness you have this tangle down. The way you reduced the size as you went towards the center is amazing. I don't think I could have made it work. Great Job!

  9. Wow! I had such a problem just doing the pea knuckle in it's simple form! This is fantastic!

  10. It looks like weaving, so very cool!

  11. You do make it look easy! If you've read any of the comments (which I'm sure you have) at Laura's site, you already know that many of us have been having trouble with getting the look that Molly intended. Practice does help. This is gorgeous, and I think it's amazing how you turned it into a circular piece. And I also see peanuts, kind of. Thanks for participating this week.


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