Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Eccentric Concentric #74

Laura Harms' 74th challenge is to use concentric circles for strings.

Here's Maria's contribution:

If you are new to Zentangle, this may look a bit complicated. However all the Zentangle patterns and creations you see here and around the web are each done one simple stroke at a time in a particular sequence.

It's also how those tree rings appeared: one at a time as each ring eccentrically concentrically aura'd the one before it.

Click image for larger view.


  1. As always: so very beautiful! And time for me to say once more how gratefull I am for the fact you and Rick 'gave' me Zentangle.

    Annemarie Huijts

  2. I love the "lollipop" design on the right side circle set.

  3. LOVE the look of this tile...so beautiful! I've only been tangling for about a year...by your Zentangle site has brought me hours of enjoyment! I wish I could come for a class, but I don't think I'll every make it! :( Thanks for all your wonderful posts and all the encouragement you give!

  4. This is a beautiful tile and I like the way you've been presenting them in nature lately. It just adds to the beauty.

  5. This is a lovely tile. Thank you so much for your zentangle site.

  6. Wow, this is beautiful! Love the many tangles that all compliment each other. (I also thank you for the Zentangle site - many, many hours of happiness!)

  7. Maria, you always capture a special brilliance in your tiles, I love the light, darkness and shading.

  8. Maria, you are a master artist and I love every piece that comes from your creative hand!

  9. Beautiful tile, Maria! Great way to photograph it, Rick!

  10. maria - this is beautiful! and what a great idea to incorporate the tree rings!

  11. What a gorgeous tile. I love the way you put one tangle behind a different tangle. The whole thing resembles whirling galaxies.


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