Sunday, October 7, 2012

The Book of Zentangle

We have finally published our first book:

We created this blog entry for you to review it, discuss it, and ask us questions about it.

You can find The Book of Zentangle in our online store. It is also available from many Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZTs).

We announced its release in this newsletter.

This book tells our story of how we came up with Zentangle and what's behind its development and direction. We tell our story in words, illustrations, and Zentangle art. As we write in our introduction:
A guidebook to Paris isn’t Paris; but when you visit Paris, you’ll enjoy it more with a good guidebook. This is a guidebook to Zentangle. It can help you awaken your ability, nourish your awareness, and find your way to a joy that has been there with you all along.

Here's a look at the back of the dust jacket:

. . . and the inside front flap:

The Book of Zentangle is a good Zentangle information and design resource and we designed it and bound it in such a way (complete with lusciously tangled end papers) that it will gently stay open on its own to any page. It is fully indexed and includes a wide-ranging bibliography if you want to explore some of the books that inspired us in this adventure.

I (Rick) wrote most of the words. The Zentangle tiles are ones that we've created through the years. This book is also lavishly illustrated by Maria. Some illustrations show sources for many of our tangle inspirations . . .

. . . other illustrations offer samples of our Zentangle tiles, each carefully held in place in fanciful ways so you won't lose them should they slip out of your book!

In "Notes," Maria describes her inspirations and thoughts behind her illustrations.

At long last we are thrilled to share this book with you.

We look forward to your comments.

Hardcover, 146 pages, 6 x 9.5 inches (150 x 240 mm), full color offset, with bibliography and index. $39.95

Click images for larger view.


  1. Hi Rick & Maria! I am so excited about your book. I cannot wait to get my copy that I've ordered from a CZT!! From the pictures, it looks beautiful. Thanks to both of you for all you do!! ♥

  2. I am anxiously awaiting my copy of the book

    This is something that I don't see as fitting on Amazon. Zen tangle is artistic, spiritual and so many other things. I can see it in stores but not on amazon. Way too grasping lay commercial


  3. The book itself is an amazing piece of art - you have both done an amazing job!

  4. Hi Doreen,

    I think it certainly is a "how to" book. But I'm not sure if my definition of a "how to book" is similar to yours.

    I'd say it's a combination of a "how to book," a "from where book," and most importantly, a "why do it book," all in an illustrated coffee-table art book context.

    While there are many ideas for projects and applications in our book, it is not focused on how to do a long list of tangles. That information is already readily available for free on our and other websites and in many books already in print.

    If you are interested in Zentangle, I think you will find this book a valuable resource and inspiration.



  5. Rick and Maria ...congratulations on this very special book! Even though I haven't seen it yet I know it will be extraordinary. I am watching the mail box!!

  6. Rick and Maria,
    No, I have not yet read every word but I lovingly held your work of (he)art when it arrived last week. I pored over every painting and photograph as if I were standing in your studio watching your create each one. Your gift to the Zentangle world is more than precious - that goes without saying. Thank you for your time, talents, and amazing personas that you share with us. You truly have made a huge difference in the lives of many, especially including my own. Your book is exquisite! Thank you.

  7. Congratulations R&M on this wonderful, inspirational volume. I am re-inspired and filled with new ideas for sharing Zentangle with my students. Thank you so much for your generosity in sharing this wonderful art form.

  8. Congratulations just doesn't seem to be the word! We are all grateful that 'the book' is finally here to touch and savor. The more I hold it, look at it, read it, the richer it becomes. It's like looking at a piece of Zentangle art. You think you are seeing it, but when you look again, there is always something else to see. Love, inspiration, beauty, structure,'s all in there!
    Thank you both for this long awaited and cherished gift!!
    Carole Ohl, CZT #3

  9. i can't wait.....i am so new to this artform and i enjoy it so are few that i have done since i started in jan 2012....i am totally hooked....would love to come to one of your classes....thanks for all you do...

  10. This book is wonderful. It's like CZT training all over again. Thank you for reminding me how special the two of you are. It is no wonder that you were able to create something as amazing as Zentangle.

  11. Congratulations Rick and Maria.

    I bet this books will be as gorgeous and breathtaking as " The book of Kells"


  12. My copy arrived in the mail today at 3PM and I just finished reading it cover to cover, while stopping to admire the beautiful artwork. I have been hooked for months on Zentangle and if possible am now inspired even more than ever after reading the book. Thank you for sharing this wonderful form of art. I can't wait for the next CZT seminar, I am already packing my bags!!! Thank you

  13. I got my copy today, and it surpassed my high hopes! You truly captured the aspects so many people miss - the opportunities and internal shifts that come with Zentangle. Thanks so much for sharing the beginnings of this journey; even though I heard some of it at training (CZT 6), this book gives me even more ways to present the ideas of Zentangle to my students.

  14. tanglewithlinda.wordpress.comOctober 13, 2012 at 3:46 AM

    As a "graduate" of the 10th CZT training, I was able to bring your new book home with me. I have already read it from cover to cover, and look at it every day. There is so much inspiration in this book, not only in Maria's gorgeous art, but in your stories, and the comments from people whose lives you have touched. Both of you have given us so many gifts, and they just keep coming.

  15. I love, love love my book. It is so classy. Great content. I also appreciated the speedy delivery.
    Thank you both so very much.
    Lynda D

  16. I received my eagerly awaited book today and I'm sorry to sat I'm disappointed. I absolutely love all of Maria's drawings, but the rest is the same thing I've been reading on yours and others sites. More than half the book is repetitive and clapping yourselves on the back with testimonials. You could put those on your site rather than wasting 19 pages on those and then pages 97-127 with notes, index, bibligaphies, etc. I've been eating to order the zentangle kit for a long time, but now in wondering if I should just get supplies and forget yourDVD and other stuff in kit. I'd send back, but I'm in love with all drawings, including inside the front and back covers.

    Susie F

  17. The book left me wanting to order the kit. I did not know what I expected to see in this book, but I was blown away with emotions. Just holding the book and feeling the pages left me in awe. Maybe reading on devices is good, but actually holding a physical book is better for your soul. I appreciated knowing the background of zentangle, somehow I feel more connected to the process after having read the book. As a leader of a team of zentanglers, I intend to share my thoughts and ideas that the book has spawned with my follow teammates. This book has been placed among my treasures.

  18. fabulous fabulous fabulous Zentangle book. Wonderful to hold
    wonderful to read and wonderful just to look at the pictures.

  19. I think you mean CM and not mm. because 150mm is only 1.5 cm which is under 1 inch and the same with 240 mm, that is 2.4 cm which is very roughly about 1 inch. Just a heads up on the international metric system. I'm assuming then, that the inches sound correct and that the Imperial system reflects the actual measurements of the book.



  20. I'm extremely disappointed in this book. It's a lovely history of Zentangle and inspiration to start tangling. There are no CZTs nearby and I was hoping the book would offer a glimpse into the methods taught in class, so I could advance my tangling beyond what I've learned online myself. The entire book could have been condensed into an intro for a book that actually has some guidance. I'm saddened to say I wasted my money on this.

  21. I, too, couldn't wait to receive this book for the holidays, after "hinting" for it. I AM EXTREMELY DISAPPOINTED. The SIZE IS VERY AWKWARD to hold and could have been nicer if a more traditional size. The artwork is beautiful, but I feel the book is repetitive and NOT WORTH THE MONEY. I could have done without so much and it would have been nicer to have more artwork and patterns in it, in place of some of the other things. I wish I could get my money back to buy books that are better in so many ways. Lesson learned, for sure.

  22. Dear Anonymous,

    We chose that size because it would allow the book to stay open by itself on a flat surface.

    And, as with all our products, you are most welcome to return your book for a full refund.

    With best regards,


  23. Rick,
    I am not sure why it would be so important to leave the book open on a table. I think it is more important to be able to READ the book comfortably. I also could have done without the biography and sales aspect. I love zentangle, but the book was a disappointment. Although the pictures of the art are beautiful, of all the books I have so far (a LOT), this is my least favorite one of all. Someone else said you could have condensed certain topica and posted them on your website. $39.95 is WAY TOO HIGH A PRICE for this book. Since my daughter bought this for me for the holidays (I hinted for it), I feel sad to return it. I really do not mean to bash your book, but the sales and pats on the back were repeated a bit too much. Sorry!

  24. Does this book have a section that shows all of your original patterns in it? That is what I am looking for. If it does, I want it!

  25. I agree with the natural foods chef.I would love to have a book with all our original patterns in it and art work that shows what you have done with those patterns. Your drawings are your best sales pitch, you do not need to talk about your accomplishments or have others do so. So, if you ever come out with a book concentrating on all your patterns and ZIA I would buy it right away

  26. I have just discovered Zendoodle and love it. The only problem is that I am on a very fixed income. I would be very interested in learning more about this art but cannot afford the books. It would be wonderful if you had a book with some basic tangles and institutions on how to make them for those of us on a lower income. I have started a journal of tangles and love drawing them but more instruction would be very helpful.

  27. I completely agree with Natural Foods Chef and Nina. I would love a book with the originals and how to to draw them...followed by a piece of art that represents/includes that particular tangle.
    As for the book, I agree with others, including artist friends of mine, that it was a repeat of what I've already read online...along with some beautiful art. It's just not worth it, sadly. I gave it away to one of my tangle-crazy friends who then gave it away the same week. Her comment was lack of new material.
    To the last anonymous: Try eBay. Even if I had a lot of money I wouldn't pay the website prices. I never have. Some else bought me the book.
    A great place to look for instruction for many, many tangles is Then if you have a printer you can print instructions/finished tangle. Books and tools: eBay.
    Have FUN you guys!


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