Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Zendala Quilting

We received this wonderful treat from Patricia Ferguson, CZT:
Dear Rick and Maria,

I have attached photos of my latest wall quilts inspired by Zentangle. My Zen Quilting students are wanting to taking their little 8 1/2" Zen Quilts to the next level so I have worked up a Zen Mandala Workshop just for them with 20" wall art pieces. You will recognize that the first one is based on one of your gorgeous Zendala Set tiles (always credit you for this) and the other is my own star based design. Hope you enjoy them.

I can't tell you how much Zentangle has enriched my machine quilting skills and opened up the creative floodgates. If I get stuck on a quilt, I just tangle until I come up with something new. My customers are awed by the array of quilting designs that I am working onto their cherished quilts, making each one unique.


You can see more of Pat's work, books, and classes at her website,

Thank you, Pat, for sending us your comments and those beautiful images.

You can see more samples of Zendala tiles and strings in this newsletter.

Click images for larger views.


  1. Pat, I too am awed by your stunning quilt designs! Gorgeous work!!!

  2. Wow! These are amazing! How fun to quilt them, you are a great artist indeed :)


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