Monday, April 29, 2013


Réspondez s'il vous plaît

As most of you know, that means "please respond" in French.

As a calligrapher, I have written this more times than even I can imagine. Over the years of lettering wedding invitations, designing sometimes four or five sets per day, I was always looking to get a little creative with how I might letter it - not only the language, but also the visual aspect. I rather enjoyed challenging myself to doing a repetitive task differently each time (see blog about bed making!). But this was way more fun and I just spent a bit of time of time to put together some samples.
Rick comments:
Actually it only took her about 10 minutes to do that RSVP assortment. Of course, she's been doing this for over three decades!

But now, this acronym has a whole new meaning for us . . . as we invite all of you to respond to our blog posts (and with the occasional added incentive of a piece of original art).

We are so grateful for your comments. How else will we know for sure that you understood what we intended to convey? How else will others believe what we say?

It's wonderful . . . when you réspondez to our s'il vous plaît. 

Congrats to Sinda Wood for being chosen to receive a tile for commenting on our previous blog post.

S'il vous plaît, click images for larger views.


  1. ohmigosh, Maria, i love the way you made a star out of your 'm's. I'm always trying to make my little signature dealie more creative, but it's tricky, for sure.

    oh, and FYI - i love your little blog posts about life at the Tangle home. :D


  2. I have to echoe Laura's sentiments for I too love hearing from Tangle HQ & seeing what magical little something has evolved.......... Now do I see Munchin masquerading with a curlicue?
    Paula (PEP)

  3. loverly... I am especially mesmerized by the second last tile. I would like to build a little house in one of those swirlies and move in. I love the chop, too.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Merci beaucoup! I wanted a "chop" that did not dictate the orientation of the Zentangle.

    More on this a bit later. . . . . m

  6. I love that everything looks so "easy" in your tiles (not only your signature)
    I think that is the true spirit of Zentangle: Beeing easy and relaxed.

  7. I agree with Laura. I've always liked the creative way Maria & Rick and Molly signed their initials on their tiles - but this...WOW! Like all stars - it's BRILLIANT!
    (I think I finally figured out how to get my 'icon' to display)

  8. Je vais réponder; il me plaît. :)

    Agreed. I love the star M's. It makes me think I should redesign my signature and come up with something a little more... something!

    Agreed. That second last tile is stunning. I love it. There is so much to look at! Wheee!

  9. I read a quote today from Aussie artist Jane Davenport..."the muse comes when you are being creative." Well, that gob smacked me....and when i look at Marie's prolific art...i realize that muse is justing sitting on her shoulder because she takes that pen in hand and just goes...the tiles shared today and the chop are inspired...thank you for sharing...


  10. I love the third tile too heart
    " responds" to the first one because I feel that my tiles have gotten very elaborate lately and the simple Zen factor is missing... Zen on Maria!

  11. I was drawn to the next to the last tile as well - but not by the chop. I recognized the Bronx cheer and thought "That's not a cover up - it most definitely belongs there. It's the perfect tangle for that portion of the tile." That bloomed into "Well, there really are not any mistakes, are there? You move from one path to another because that's where you're supposed to be.... just in the course of life itself."

    I appreciated your observations about entering mindfulness. Even though I'm most definitely a beginner, I find myself in a certain mindset that I only experience when tangling. At this point I do check the web for the tangle I want to add, but I still have a connection to the work I was doing. I look through the patterns recognizing that this one does not fit the portion I am working on or sometimes realizing that it does fit ... but in another area. I still have in my mind the qualities I want in a particular space. Returning to the work with an inspiration, I slip immediately into focusing on one line at a time.


  12. That Bronx cheer was a cover-up! That something or other was just not what I was expecting and.. . . . . I do love a good raspberry! And Bronx cheer is rather fun to do!! Don't forget everyone to have fun. . . .


  13. Your work inspires me so much. I love the Bronx cheer cover-up!

  14. I'm just still learning all the different tangles but I like the "merci beaucoup" the best.

  15. Your absolutely beautiful tangles are wonderful to admire! The Bronx Cheer makes me think of so many things in life...something may look beautiful on the outside, but with all of us, there is usually a "blemish" that we don't want to share with the world! A mistake has been made beautiful to the eye of the beholder! Another life lesson viewed through Zentangling!

    Thanks, always, for your sharing!

  16. Kelley happily accepts the kind invitation of Zentangle to comment! ;-)

    I always love the inspiration I find here - and, ooooh, Maria's new chop is wonderful! Now... how to turn mine into something non-directional....

    Thank you!

  17. Your Mooka is so enchanting. I watched you YouTube video of it and still cannot stop Mooka-ing!

  18. I love the two tiles below RSVP. I wish I could live in your head for one day. Your calligraphy is simply stunning.

  19. I love looking at your tiles for inspiration! Thanks so much!

  20. Ah! What fun to look at all of this. Inspiration galore! You say you never even look up while tangling... Maybe one day I'll get there - meanwhile, you're my muse. I often start by being inspired by looking at your work and then keep checking back for a bit more inspiration. Not to worry, it always takes its own direction eventually... So, merci beaucoup par vous!!!

  21. The new chop is wonderful! I am always excited to see a blog post from the two of you because they are always inspirational...both by word content and the stunning art! Thank You!

  22. Maria, your penmanship is awesome! Love the way you wrote all those frases on one tile, making it an artwork of letters. Thanks for sharing. Ellen

  23. I have known about Zentangle for awhile now but saw it again recently on The Quilt Show. I want to take a class so I am setting one up with a local CZT for my quilt guild. We are all very excited!

  24. Wow I love the simplicity yet elegance of your work. Always inspiring. Thank you

  25. Chère Maria... Tes créations me donnent toujours beaucoup d'inspiration.

    (Dear Maria... Your creations always give me a lot of inspiration.)

  26. I am always so inspired when I see the artwork on your blog and read your thoughts that go with the art. I think all of the tiles are beautiful, but the second one brings thoughts of spring.

  27. A non directional chop that looks good enough to eat on the third tile. I am always filled with inspiration after reading your posts. Thank-you for sharing these gems.

  28. What super tiles and I think I could get a second obsession if I started calligraphy, you just make it come to life Maria. I will carry on practising and maybe in the future I will try calligraphy. Keep on sharing please.

  29. Oh how elegant sure the tangles and the inspiration on this blog site. Thank you so much,

  30. I am new to Zentangle and am already totally addicted!!!

    Thank You for the blog to provide more daily inspiration! I'd love to become a certified instructor one day!!!

  31. Every bit of this newsletter is an inspiration! Love, love, love it. All I can say is "Ooh La La!"

    Be happy,
    Jacque Solomon - CZT #10

  32. Maria, I love your calligraphy. Beautiful.

  33. Wow! So much to look at. So much to ponder. Curvy Munchin: brilliant. Non-directional chop: also brilliant. Thank you for inspiring us! (PS. If you're giving things away, I'd love the Merci Beaucoup. I have just the spot for it in my new Zen Den.)

  34. I took my first class with CZT Brenda Shaver this past week. At first i thought it was a bit expensive, but we learned so much that day that I now feel as though I got a really good deal. Am looking forward to taking future classes with her and with sahring the joy of Zentangles on my blog.

  35. ALL of these tiles are beautiful! I really love the last one ~ Merci Beaucoup. Your "signature" Maria is art itself. I do want to comment on the newsletter too ~ Rick, I love the way you "signed" your tile with the R in black and right next to it in white. I am rethinking mine to make it part of my art as well ~ thank you both so much for sharing and for your talent!

  36. Somehow I missed this blog post earlier this week. (I'm so glad Genevieve has her weekly roundups.) It is a lovely post! Lovely tiles and great ideas - as always.

  37. Love the Merci B tile. I am so addicted to Zentangling. I have taught the 4th graders at the school I work in to Zentangle and they love it.

  38. So clever Maria! I love the tangles and your new chop.

  39. I get so excited whenever there is a new blog posting or a new newsletter because I enjoy reading your thoughts and get so inspired by your tiles. Thanks to both of you!


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