Sunday, August 10, 2014

Merci Beaucoup

Bonjour, mes amis.

Merci beaucoup. . . . for the warm welcome into your Zentangle community.

I have received many beautiful emails (though, no snail mail . . . yet). With Maria's help, I am answering all your emails! The rest of my days are filled with tangles and smiles. I even dream of tangling. (Yes, snails dream!)

Here are a few portraits Maria has done of me and some of my friends. And, some fine Zentangle art as well from Molly and Rick.

Mais oui, all of them on my "Bijou" tiles, naturellement. C'est magnifique!

I hope to meet you all someday.

Until then, I will keep you posted as to my tangles and whereabouts.

Love to all,

I gave my first public interview to Laura Harms, CZT. It was a lot of fun. She asks good questions. You can read it here at her blog post. Many tanglers posted Zentangle art on Bijou tiles to welcome me. They are beyond magnifique.

I am "over the moon" with joy!



  1. Ah-yes! The super moon tonight.....Love the personalities of these Bijous.

    G. G.

  2. Hello Bijou! I have enjoyed seeing how everyone worked on your beautiful new tile. You are so lucky to have so many people already love you, especially Maria and Rick who made sure the whole world would get to meet you.

  3. Bijou, It is so great to have you out in public! So fun to meet you and see all you have inspired!
    Kate, CZT IX

  4. I do like your little tiles and I also like to have meet you. There are a lot of your family members in my garden and I'm always pleased to see one (I think they become here because no one will ever harm them). Now, seeing one makes me smile, thinking of you!

  5. so nice that you are part of the family.all of your bijou-tiles....
    manifique,oui, je t'embrasse

  6. Dear Bijou, I have drawn two tiny leaves on your novel tiles. Could you tell us how to draw you? You are so cute! Thanks!

  7. Dearest Else,

    my friend Maria has created a youTube showing how to draw me and my little friends. . .

    she uses a special calligraphy pen here, but you can do the same with a micron and add a bit of "weight" to one side. and. . . "voila! Bijou"

    A bientôt, Bijou

  8. or I guess you can search for

    "Welcome Bijou" youTube Zentangle

    ; )


  9. the day that Laura introduced Bijou on her site, I went walking after reading about that charming little snail. It had rained the night before, and snails had been active. I saw many places along the way, where silver dots marked the trails of snails, as they ventured out onto the sidewalks, and then back into the cover of their gardens.
    It was charming, I love it when the world conspires to bring things together like that.
    A story about bijou, and then lots of snail trails etched out.

  10. Hi Rick&Maria..I'm Siti from Malaysia. I have received my purchase of Bijou Frame &Tinful of Bijou. I've read the notice that frame contains of chemical that can cause serious health problem. Can you guide me how to make it safely to handle the metal piece. Many thanks..


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