Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Welcome CZT 29!

Thank you to everyone who attended our CZT 28 seminar at the Providence Biltmore from June 25 - 29.

We are thrilled to introduce you to the CZT Class of 29!

In this seminar we shared all things Zentangle with people from:
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • China
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Kuwait
  • The Netherlands
  • New Zealand
  • Taiwan
  • Thailand, and
  • 27 states in USA
After this class, we now have over 3,000 CZTs in 40 countries . . . Wow!

Many students shared amazing examples of their Zentangle art and Zentangle inspired creations:

Peter Ouyang joined us from Sakura of America to help us better understand how Sakura pens work to create Zentangle art:

As always, the mosaics of Zentangle tiles drew everyone's attention. It's one thing to see your own tile you just created, it's another to see it in a mosaic of over 100 other tiles!

"Speaking" of sharing your tiles in a mosaic, Julie Willand (of Zentangle, Inc.) explained how to use the Zentangle Mosaic app to share your individual Zentangle tiles in a world wide mosaic:

We look forward to sharing the seminar magic with you in person at future seminars. They are magic!


All of us at Zentangle HQ are SO grateful for all who traveled from near and far to make this experience all that it could be.

Thank you!

For all who are about to come or who are considering attending, we look forward to meeting you and working with you.

Until next time . . .

Rick and Maria


  1. Attending CZT29 was a major decision on a number of levels but a decision that was easy to make and a decision I shall never regret. From the moment so arrived in Providence I knew that I was in the right place.
    To be with so many awesome and interesting, likeminded people was a joy. The conversations, the friends made, the sharing and the support was wonderful and this does not even touch upon the totally outstanding organisation and level of tuition we all received.
    There may have been 128 of us from 18 different countries (I came from Wales, UK) but We were all made to feel so welcome and as though we were being treated to a special 1:1 class every day... all day.
    Rick and Maria, you are two very special and very talented people. Your team - your family - are incredible, total care, dedication and fun which spreads to us all.
    If anyone is hesitating about or pondering whether to book a CZT seminar...JUST DO IT! You will not regret it!

  2. Loved Seminar 29 and getting to be at seminar again. I thought CZT23 was great and 29 was too! People asked why I came back and I had to say it was the people. Rick, Maria, Molly, Martha and all the Zentangle family are rock stars in my book. Getting to learn with the originators of the life-changing art form is an incredible experience. Even the second time around it was fresh and informative. Where else can you hang out with such wonderful people from around the world, learn the latest tangles & be treated like royalty! The planning was amazing and the execution of every unbelievable detail of this seminar was superbly done with great love. Thanks y'all!

  3. It is really my pleasure to meet you all amazing passion people and hope we could line together in the world to spread peace and full-energy Zen class with tangle.

  4. This seminar was the perfect experience for me. I had this feeling of being at the right place at exactly the right moment. Thanks to Molly, Maria, Rick and all the amazing team for those precious moments!

  5. Welcome CZT#29 from a #5. I envy you! It must have been great to attent CZT training now that Zentangle has grown and grown and grown. Looking forward to read your stories on our Facebook page and in the Yahoo group

  6. and Russia )
    Thank you very much! It was an unforgettable 4 days. This training has changed my life. And now I'm sure that dreams come true


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