Monday, August 16, 2010

Monday, Monday . . .

Although we were (wonderfully!) busy most of this morning, Maria still found time to create this Zentangle.

To get another perspective on our Master Class, here are portfolios of Day 1 and Day 2 on Picassa from Fina Man.

Thank you Fina!


  1. ... sometimes it just turns out that way.

    Beautiful tangle, Maria... And thanks to Fina for sharing her lovely photos. I am loving that big easel and the art that was made on it!

  2. Carole, I saw your blog and am blown away by your illuminated letter. I love it when things just fall into place......if you let them. m

  3. Just got caught up on your blog! Loved the images from the Master class! I could get lost in those illuminated letters!n They are spectacular!
    Big hug to you both,

  4. Great photos and it looks like everyone had a ton a fun! A funny observation, it looks like most of us zentangle(rs) are right handed....? Huh.

  5. I never noticed the right handed seems there are some, maybe not the same proportion as righters to lefters, but some...m


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