Friday, August 13, 2010

Ring . . .

At the start of Master Class we introduced this bell.

We explained that each time we rang this bell, it was a reminder to relax and take a few nice deep breaths. (So, from now on, whenever you hear a bell . . .  :-)

We then began with a video of a lecture that Rob Kapilow gave at this year's GEL conference in New York City where we were invited to present Zentangle.

We showed this lecture because of its relevance to Zentangle and all of life for that matter.


Rob Kapilow at Gel 2010 (composer, pianist, author) from Gel Conference on Vimeo.




  1. Oh yes, at the end of that video Rob plays the piano.

    That's because as he was walking off stage after speaking, Maria yelled out, "Well aren't you going to play?"

    - Rick

  2. THANK YOU for sharing this! I hope everyone takes the time to "listen."

  3. I had a job interview this morning but before I let, i thought I should do a Zentangle or two to center myself. I got on to the blog and Hmmm..... I need that. I used this great quote in my interview "We know what we Know! We Know what we don't know! but what is really interesting is... What we don't know we don't know!
    The interview went great! It could Ring! for me as a new Job. As aways Thought Become Things make yours the good ones. Thanks Rick

  4. Best of luck Linda!! Not that you need it! m&r

  5. correction...that would be MELINDA. so sorry. m


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