Tuesday, May 24, 2011

String Theory #23

Laura Harms, CZT has a new challenge call String Theory.

Here's Maria's contribution with her comments:

I did this Zentangle late last night by candlelight. I wanted some continuity, so I striped each section, then tangled the stripes as they presented themselves. It's rather dark, but I was in a great mood! Go figure . . .

I enjoyed going back to the square format, which I had wandered from lately.

Congrats to Laura Harms for crashing the 100,000 mark on her blog!

Click image for larger view.


  1. Love the white on black Betweed! And what a great idea about the continuity.. a sort of string within a string.

  2. Carole you have pulled the string of my thoughts ~ I'll have to unravel that string within a string idea on one of my tiles soon.

  3. Maria your tile has such a lot of character!

  4. 'tis beautiful Maria, you can almost "feel" those shapes popping off the paper. And congrats to Laura's milestone on her blog!
    Cheers from Tasmania - where tangling is becoming mania!

  5. Absolutely delight-full. I love the roundness that comes from the square.

  6. I love the mood of this tile. Looks like such a peaceful piece!

  7. I love the dark betweed! The whole tangle is beautiful.

  8. I didn't recognize Betweed! I only saw the beauty of it, so it's good Carole recognized it.

  9. Oooooh, another beautiful Maria tile! I love the black betweed as well. it's a very nice look.

  10. OOOOOOH, hi Janee! nice to see your face now that we've met! M


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