Thursday, May 20, 2010


We created a Zentangle flag to greet people at our seminar retreat facility. We ordered a white polyester flag online. It's about 12 feet tall. We had it on our living room floor for a few days as we tangled it with Zentangle patterns. We laid it on top of some foam core so it wouldn't stain the rug underneath and to provide a hard surface.

This picture was taken yesterday in the rain. (It's a beautiful sunny day today!) The ink held perfectly and we only had to draw on one side as the ink bled through so much that you can't tell which side we drew on.

Materials used
We're off for another wonderful day with many new friends.

Click images for larger view


  1. I love this! Your creativity always inspires. One of these days I hope to attend one of your workshops. I try to Zentangle and am happy with what I create, but am clearly missing the benefits of your class. Michelle, Niagara Falls

  2. Ditto what Michelle said.

    Also, at some point, perhaps you could show us the entire flag?

    Love it.

  3. Best wishes to everyone there!
    Cheers from Down Under!

  4. Wow! The flag is amazing. I enjoy zentangle just playing around with it at home. Wish I had the talent to do something like that. I did zentangle and Easter Egg this year. It was pretty cool and the kids were impressed


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