Thursday, May 20, 2010


We're off and running with our CZT seminar, so just some quick pix from last night. We had about 80 people in our home/studio/gallery last night for a welcoming party.

What a magical evening filled with great food and drink, conversations and the making of wonderful new friendships.

More later . . .

(Oops! Just realized I didn't post this yesterday . . . party was actually Tuesday night.)

Click images for larger view


  1. Thanks for sharing these images. I am fascinated by all the artwork on the walls and seeing the people look at Maria's artwork journals. I had the pleasure of seeing one of her journals at the Iampeth conference in New Orleans. It was the most beautiful work I had ever seen. Thanks so much for these inspiring pictures!!!

  2. I expect to see a lot of wonderful tangling from this group. They look talented!


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