Saturday, May 29, 2010

May 29, 2010 Newsletter

We just mailed our May 29, 2010 Newsletter and we're looking forward to your comments and discussion.

As we mentioned, here's an enlargeable picture (just click on it) to see it larger in a separate window.

Depending on your browser, if you click on it again, it will get still larger and you see some wonderful people even more clearly!


  1. I wish I were in that photo! Oh well. Maybe someday. I love 'Bronx Cheer'. I'll be making lots of use of it!

  2. Zetangle is way too much fun. m

  3. It is way too much fun ... and I have just decided I can't miss out on October's CZT - so I will be there - can't wait - hmm better go and renew my passport.
    Jane x

  4. Molossus, if you do get the chance to go, don't hesitate! I'm still reeling from the fun of it. And as simple as it seems, there was lots to learn, not only from Maria and Rick, but we as participants learned much from each other.

    Nice newsletter, guys!


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