Tuesday, June 1, 2010

CZT Seminar Wrapup

Here's a few more pix to round out a look at our recent CZT training.

One of many wonderful meals in the dining room.

A few CZTs-to-be take their turn teaching.

Evening Bananagrams outside on the garden terrace.

The first night was cool so most everyone hung out inside around the fireplace which warmed the library just right. By the second day the sun had come out for a perfect New England spring day.

Zentangle Tattoo!

We haven't logged these tattoos into our storefront and website yet, so for now you have to call to order them. You can order 10 temporary Zentangle tattoos for $9. They look very cool. Maria's had her's on for almost two weeks and it's just starting to fade, but you can remove it any time you choose.

Click images for larger view


  1. That's a really cute tattoo photo!

  2. Yikes! You cut my head off! In your artfully cropped pix of the Bananagram game, I'm the one in the green shirt...and no head!!! Well, I always said that I don't really care for pix of myself. In the class photo, only my nose, eyes and the top of my head show up. Hey...if I cobbled the 2 pix together.... *giggle* It was a great time and I don't need photos of myself to remember it by. Thanks to Rick, Maria and all of the new CZTs for a wonderful experience. Thanks to Terri and the kitchen staff, too.!

  3. I thought that was real!!!

    Awesome concept, I will definitely get myself some when I come in October. Did I mention again I am coming on October? I need to pinch myself to remind me that it's real!!

  4. I wonder how long it will be, before a pic of a REAL zentangle tattoo shows up in your mail box? LOL

  5. So many people asked me if that tattoo was real (that's me pictured there) and it lasted forever!


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