Thursday, June 3, 2010

Basic Tangles

Go back to the first tangles you learned and use them in new and different ways. Here Maria uses five tangles we show in our Zentangle Kit and teach in our introductory workshops. It's a good reminder that even if you know just a few tangles* there's no limit to what you can create.

After photographing this Zentangle outside, I noticed our mountain laurel in peak bloom and just had to share it with you . . . they're so beautiful right now.

Tangle is our word for unique patterns that are created from simple repetitive strokes. Tangles used in this Zentangle are Crescent Moon, Hollibaugh, Pokeroot, Static and Tipple.

Click images for larger view.


  1. Great idea and *LOVE* the mountain laurel! I am off to take your tangle challenge now...

  2. Back to the basics is good. I've been playing with the exercise of doing four tangles on each tile, but using every tile in order of their appearance in my 'library', even if it might not appeal to me at the moment. I am always surprised at what comes from it. Magical.

  3. Good reminder not to get to fancy. Are we supposed to create a true Zentangle in just 15 minutes? Sometimes I get so involved that I get completely lost in creating a tile for a good 45 minutes!!!

  4. take your time. We initially decided on the 15 minute meditation because we thought that was what folks would probably be able to give up out of their day. But we found that most of you want to spend more than that..... it's fine. I sometimes do....although I do everything's my nature....maria


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