Friday, June 4, 2010

Day Job

Here's a glimpse of how Zentangle finds its way into everything!

I grabbed a couple photos of this piece before it was delivered. Maria inscribed this print of one of her illustrations. It's a great Henry David Thoreau quote, "My life is like a stroll along the beach, as near the ocean's edge as I can go."

Check out the Zentangle emblished "M" (using pokeroot, paradox and purk) . . .

And this delicious golden (gouache) border embellishment using purk . . .

Many Zentangles in our gallery remind people of fanciful sea creatures. Purk is quite reminiscent of the shell pattern seen in to top right of this print. If you haven't seen it before, check out some images from our gallery here.

Click images for larger view


  1. Maria's work absolutely dances! Her work has a vibrancy and joy that makes the page glow. This is a masterpiece. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I love how she has incorporated zentangle patterns with her lettering. You and Maria really are a gift to the art world.
    Big hug to both of you!

  2. Heather said everything I was thinking. This is absolutely beautiful. Maria's scrolls and spirals are like ballet. Just marvelous.


  3. Beautifully said Heather!
    Maria, you are a star performer!
    Thanks Rick for showing us.

  4. It is an extremely delicate and extraordinary work of art. Well done!!!


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