Monday, October 4, 2010

Thank You!

This weekend, we were looking through some of our early Zentangles from 2004.

We were also enjoying some chocolate when we noticed this paper inside.

These two seemingly unrelated events reminded us how grateful we are for this whole adventure.

We are grateful for stories we hear about how people use Zentangle to cultivate confidence (and courage) to put pen to paper and create art (and have fun doing it) often for the first time.

We are grateful for how this Zentangle community inspires us to discover new tangles, write new blogs and cultivate new ideas.
If you have been creating Zentangles for a while, take a moment to bring out some of your early ones. Chances are, you will appreciate even more the value and impact of your Zentangle journey.)
We grateful for the folks at Sweetriot Chocolate whom we met at this year's GEL conference in NYC. We were instantly hooked on their chocolate.

And, we're grateful for you.

Thank you!

Click images for larger view.


  1. Yes, doing Zentangles is absolutely lovely. I am noticing that I draw Much more, and my sense of design is improving.Thanks for coming up with the ever expanding design ideas.We appreciate it.

  2. I'm new to your blog, and love that you share your designs. Wonderful to see what others are doing. My idea for Christmas this year for ther grandkids is drawing paper and pens to make Zentangle, and the first sheet is done by us for their inspiration. Always hard to decide what to give the teenagers, that we can afford. Terri

  3. I just went back and looked at old ones not too long ago, I came across my very first one. It made me stop and think for a second about simpler things. Back then the tangles were much less detailed than they are now. And lately I guess I have started to become overwhelmed, and over thinking how to incorporate so many of the new tangles, combinations of tangles and different elements into one zentangle. It made me realize I should slow down, and re focus myself and my thoughts.

  4. I see that sweet riot is accepting artists/artwork for their tins. Are you considering submitting some Zentangles? The chocolate would taste even better! And I'd love to have a collectible ZT tin!

  5. Nancy, Did that yesterday. It would be fun to see a few Z's wrapped around those neat little tins!! m


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