Monday, January 31, 2011

All the News That's Fit to Tangle

Last night we found this jewel in our email inbox.
Dear Rick and Maria,

While enjoying the December, 2009 issue of Cloth Paper Scissors, I saw Sandy Steen Bartholomew’s article: Add Patterns to Journals with Zentangles and Transfers. I visited your website and was immediately “hooked”. I shared that with my niece and we have both been obsessed ever since.

When our local newspaper acquired newspaper stands from another city and needed them repainted, they offered them to artists to “do their own thing,” we knew exactly what we would do….Zentangle!

It took two of us 33 days and 100 hours to Zentangle all four sides and the top of the newspaper stand. 100 hours of pure pleasure. We still can’t decide which is more fulfilling: drawing every line or seeing the finished product.

“Our” newspaper stand now lives in front of the Golden Waffle restaurant on Main St in Chico, California.

Thank you for sharing Zentangle with the world. LH

Wow! Thank you so much for sending that, LH. It's awesome!

Please send us a picture of it after it's installed.

[Edited to add]

Here's a picture of its installation.

Click images for larger views.


  1. That is beyond words. I love how they can't decide what was more fun: doing or seeing the finish. What lucky girls to be able to do this project together. What an inspiration!!

  2. This is just marvelous! Well done guys! I keep seeing these large zentangle-inspired projects and really hope I get to do one sometime! What a project! (Yes, I over-use exclamation marks!)

  3. This is beautiful! What fun. Indeed, where is there another such opportunity...

  4. Fabulous! It turned out beautifully. Isn't it fun how Zentangle can go anywhere you can think to put it? I'd love the opportunity to participate in a large-scale or joint project like this... I know the artists treasured and delighted in every one of those 100 hours!

  5. Love It - there's something about sharing zentangles that just adds to the wonder of it. Thanks

  6. Wow! So what city has such an exciting, artistic community? Would love to know where to find this one!

  7. Thank you for sharing such great "news" Love your project and I'm sure the community does too.

  8. Wow, stunning work! What a great addition to your town!

  9. It's beautiful! I also can't wait to see it in it's installed place. Nice work. More pictures, please!


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