Friday, January 28, 2011

A Bee, See!

When we wrote this blog entry, we didn't have a picture. Now, we do!

Original is about four inches square. Maria used goauche for painting and a mix of walnut shell and peat ink for lettering. Surface is goatskin (vellum).

Since we've been introducing words recently (see newsletter) this is a good time to introduce a couple more:


Consider this is sneak peek into a fun project we've been playing with for a while now. More later!

Click image for larger view.


  1. Your work is so beautiful Maria. And of course, I love the Zentangled "A".

  2. this is amazing, especially the subtle zentangles in the wings! CC.

  3. Beautiful piece, Maria! More new words-love them!!! Can't wait to see the fun new project that's coming!

  4. Quite, quite gorgeous! And only 4" square... I thought it must be at least 8"!
    Interesting ink. Do you buy it or make it?

  5. Maria, it is absolutely beeautiful.
    Your bee is so lifelike, it looks as if it coud fly away any minute.
    Thank you for sharing your gorgeous artwork with us all and for giving us such fantastic inspiration from your work.

  6. Wow!!!!!!!!! This is so distinctly Maria!!!! I love to see your lettering with your illustrations. Done in a way that only Maria can do. This is marvelous!!!!!!

  7. Very nice and I am very curious about what you are up to. My brother-in-law is an entomologist in ,so I sent him the link. I think he will appreciate the bee very much. His license plate is "BUGS!" This is an unexpected way to share zentangle with one more person...

  8. oh my~!!~
    beautiful beyond words~!!!!!!!~


  9. The bee, calligraphy, and tangling are striking and moving, don't get me wrong, but what I kept staring at was the interface between ink and surface. The area containing "millefiore" wrapped me up and wouldn't let me go to look at the bee! I'd love to see an even higher quality version of this (or a similar piece) just to stare at that border between mediums!

  10. Oh, such the best bee I have ever seen! I am looking forward to the next project, I love surpeises!

  11. Truly BEAUTIFUL!!
    I do have a sort of Love/Hate thing with your little teases :)
    Looking forward to hearing more!

  12. Your work is beautiful and I have, until now, been quite a fan.

    But your use of the trademark symbol with zentomology and zentomologist is offensive and shameful.

    Both words were coined by Gene Jackson (an amateur entomologist, passionate gardener, meditation enthusiast, and inveterate punster) in Berkeley in the 70s. Gene passed away in 84, I think.

    I find it extremely disrespectful that you're trademarking words that the late Mr. Jackson coined.

    He was a lovely gentleman and does not deserve the disrespect you're showing his memory.

    I do hope this was an honest mistake. I also hope you'll rectify it and apologize publicly for the disrespect to Mr. Jackson and the attempt to claim ownership to words he created with joy and wonder and shared willingly with the world.


  13. Zentangle is a buzz word? the bees knees? My Scottish crest is bee on a thistle...this is very nice.

  14. Anonymous comments are cowardly. That said, I know no disrespect is intended nor actually given. Zentomology and Zentomologist are being re-coined, as it were, to connect with Zentangles. Interestingly, in no research that I could uncover did Mr. Jackson's name coincide with either term. It does not mean he did not use them, nor have a set understanding of the intended meaning. Nor does the use of these terms by the Zentangle community diminish or disrespect how he may have used them. Many words have multiple meanings. These are simply two more.

  15. Mr. Stuart, if that's addressed to me, I did sign my first name as I understand is customary on the interweb.

    I don't release my email address or last name to strangers online. (I've been advised by my granddaughter that it's much safer that way.) Perhaps that's cowardly to you, but you may feel differently in your 90s.

    Making insinuations about visitors to your site does not seem very professional. I expected better of you.

    However I'm very glad to know you intended no offense in claiming a trademark on Gene's words.

    Many words have multiple meanings, but recoining a word and trademarking it are quite different, are they not? By trademarking it, are you not saying others shouldn't use it in other ways because you now "own" it?

    I'm very surprised that the people you spoke to in doing your research did not recall Gene. Perhaps they were too young? Or unavailable on a fine Saturday? Gene Jackson was very active in the east SFBA in the 60s and 70s. I believe he was born not long after the great quake and died in '84.

    Anyone who was active in the east SFBA (especially Berkeley) meditation and gardening world during the 60s and 70s should recall him.

    His definition of zentomology was learning to be one with insects instead of trying to kill them. Learn about them, plant catch plants, encourage lady beetles, and have a good time in the garden. I still have the little enamel lapel pin he gave me with "Zentomologist" and a fat yellow and black bumblebee on it.

    I learned a great deal from him and admired him greatly. He was very much like a big brother to me.

    I do enjoy Zentangles and I'm glad you developed them. It was great fun when a young girl (Karen? Caroline?) came to the place I live and gave a class. I've also enjoyed all the books and the set of pens and cards my granddaughter and greatgrandson bought me.

    I was quite interested when she showed me your website today, and then very angry when I saw this post. Whether or not you intended it, it was disrespectful.

    I'm only visiting through tomorrow morning and don't have my own computer so will be unable to respond again.

    Thank you again for your assurance that you meant no disrespect. I hope you will rectify the situation promptly and honor Gene Jackson in the manner he deserves.


  16. I clicked on "add comment" to reply to start and defend the "anonymous" Kathryn ... but in between first looking at the comments and doing that - Kathryn already has defended herself very well ;-)
    "Anonymous" just means they did not sign in to blogger/google to comment ... doing that and signing your name is no more anonymous than signing in with your google username and hiding behind that.
    and yes - good on the "inventors" of "Zentangle TM" ... for spreading around the idea that anybody can draw and we all have enough talent ... but I too have been wondering what's with all the "tm" after everything ...
    oh well ... time to crawl back in my box ... might even go do some doodles (not zentangles - have not done a course/etc ... but I have been doing similar sorts of doodles for at least the last 40 years ... I guess inventing a cool name for them and selling the idea is one of those "I wish I had thought of that" moments - LOL)

    - Andrea (in Australia)

  17. oops - forgot to mention ...

    I think that bee is BEEootiful!

  18. Oh, WOW WOW WOW -- if Kathryn's granddaughter or great-grandson see this, please, please thank her for sharing her story!

    I grew up in Berkeley and *loved* the "zentomologist" buttons; there was a street vendor who sold them up on College Ave, at least between 77-80 or so. Packed away (with all my other buttons collected back then) I think I have the bee and ladybug ones, and maybe a spider. Or the bookworm, maybe. (Not lapel pins like Kathryn mentioned, though; just little round slogan type buttons, the sort sold all over for 50 cents or $1 back then). There were all kinds of cute little bug drawings on different ones.

    But I'd never heard the story behind them before; they were just something cute and whimsical to me. I wonder know if the artist was the same Gene Jackson. If I can find my box of buttons, I'll see if there's a name.

    And thank you Zentangle folks for your part in bringing the story to light. It brought back some very good memories of back then.

    And beautiful bee, Maria!

  19. Lovely Bee and Caligraphy as usual Maria ... I can still see you sitting at your desk wielding that nib so beautifully. Cheers Jane

  20. This is beautiful. Can you get me in touch with the artist who created this piece?


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