Saturday, June 15, 2013

June 15, 2013 Newsletter Companion

We're posting this blog entry so that you can see larger versions of the images in this newsletter.

We invite you to offer your comments below and to read the complete descriptions on the newsletter.


Click images for larger views.


  1. Thank you for sharing all these stories and photos. Love what you do and what you let others do. So proud and blessed to be part of the Zentangle family

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Congratulations on your show/book signing!
    There is such tremendous work and creativity and geographic diversity here. I particularly love the tendrilly steel, cube holder! Wonder if they could be made and marketted to us...??? Looks like it could fit a photo cube, which is just the right size for Zentangle tiles.

  4. I love reading all of your Zentangle newsletters, and anything related to Zentangle art. I am always amazed at the creativity that is used with this fantastic art form. I have bought your books, and Suzanne McNeill's books. I have kept my tiles in a photo album since I began doing Zentangles several years ago. I can see where I have grown as an artist as a result! Thank you, Thank you!

  5. Congratulations on your book signing ... Looks like a wonderful time. Have to say you two look so nice together and the fun is shining through in this photograph of you both, it makes me smile :)
    Jane xx

  6. Congratulations on your book signing.

    Looking FORWARD to the October CZT seminar and meeting you in person (and getting my book signed :). I just marvel as I look at all the designs that you share in these newsletters. Thank you.

  7. Karen Reed,
    I don't know how to reach you for permission but I would love to have it to post your cube on pinterest so I can keep it in my ideas file. I do zentangle, fused glass and stained glass and this is awesome!


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