Monday, June 10, 2013

So many tanglers . . .

. . . drawing so many tangles!

Have you noticed how magically this Zentangle Community is growing?

It is amazing to see how everyone intuitively embraces the concepts we had in mind when we started teaching the Zentangle Method.

Maria says:
I was sifting through emails, when I ended up on someone's Pinterest page. There was a uberbundance (I just made that up . . .) of tangles that were newly-designed, shared, acknowledged, stepped-out and strutted . . . for all to admire, try on for size, re-share, customize, perfect and go beyond.

This is way too cool! 

Rick adds:
It is so thrilling to see the open welcoming and heartfelt encouragement extended by individuals in this community to all who are beginning to share their Zentangle contributions.

As Maria said, it's even more exciting to realize that as each of you adds a new tangle, you contribute to the legacy of this art form as tanglers all over this world add your tangle to their palette . . . a new tangle that will ripple out as it inspires and informs new Zentangle creativity.

Thank you, all you wonderful tanglers, for all your support, for your spirit, and for all you contribute to the enjoyment and expansion of this artform. Have fun on this fascinating journey.

Here are a few recent tiles we've had some fun with. As always, we invite you to draw your own conclusions.

This series is essentially an exercise in the hollibaugh principle of "drawing behind."

At first I was going to call this "Bespoke" but I decided to call it "Unspoken."

Here I play with a new shape, repeatedly drawn behind.

There were figs on the kitchen table. 
There was also some strong coffee left in my cup! 

In this one, the hollibaugh bands fold back from wherever they touch their string boundary as they seem to form one long ribbon.

We look forward to reading your comments . . . and to selecting one to receive one of these tiles!

Congratulations to . . .

Maggie Smith who wins a tile from the "French Ivory Encore/ Here's to Bending the Rules" blog; and

TANGLENUT who wins on the "Grid (Un)Locked" blog.

Please send your snail-mail addresses to zentangle at gmail dot com.

Click images for larger views.


  1. I love the last tile with hollibaugh as a long ribbon folding on itself. great visual effect!!!

  2. I cannot pick a favorite from this group. They are all awesome and inspiring.

  3. All of these tiles are wonderful. Maria, you are amazing!

  4. These are really nice. I love how the center of the "flower" looks.

  5. I like the figs/coffee tile :)

  6. distangleart.blogspot.comJune 11, 2013 at 12:36 PM

    You have made Zentangle an art form of sharing, relaxation and adventure. I not only enjoy Zentangle, it has given me a whole community of like minded people. Thank you for giving us Zentangle.

  7. I really enjoy the Hollibaugh tangle but have to concentrate or I start drawing over some lines! I love all of these tiles and can't decide if the second or the last one is my favorite.

  8. How does it feel to be the Mother and Father of tangles? I would say it is better then being Mother of Dragons, but similar as both your families keeps on growing! Way to go!

  9. I love all these tiles but in particular the figs and unspoken. What creativity and so much inspiration! Thank you, Rick and Maria for all you do.

  10. Another hour well spent down loading this FANTASTIC site... I love your work... or I should say your PLAY... You are one amazing person... jsut so very creative and the love pours out of these pieces... I really should be making dinner.. LOL.. but this is so much more IMPORTANT... don't you think so???

    Which one is the most intriguing??? Oh My Goodness... I love the continuous ribbon and also the new shape... will have to give them a try... also I love the figs... ours are just starting to look like little figs... and I did draw them the other day... but nothing came out of my pen like it does yours... yikes... Your work is so CONTAGIOUS... I LOVE it Maria... as you know I am sure..
    Have a super day and night... Love to Rick too...
    Love, Light and Peace... Bonnie

  11. Love the folding back on the hollibaugh tangle and the shape of unspoken. Good potential there!
    Sandra Chatelain

  12. More Maria magic! It is fascinating how tangling with a black pen has added so much colour to my life!

  13. Once again the two of you inspire me! Thank you Both!
    Kate Ahrens CZT IX

  14. What beautiful, calming images you both create! I love them ALL!!!

  15. All are so beautiful and inspiring - love the use of coffee!

  16. I love the post that says you are the mother and father of tangles!!! That really made me laugh but, I guess it is so true. I think I am addicted big time and used a pen this week in just three days!!!

  17. Love the 'unspoken' is that a new pattern? And the Holligaugh folding back on itself like a ribbon...ooohhh I am going to have to go try that one right now!!! Thanks again for the inspiration!

  18. Yes Jennifer, We showed the unspoken in our book, but then forgot to step it out. Maybe we don't have to??
    It looks so logical to me. . . .it is inspired by the hub of a bicycle wheel. . .

  19. it amazes me how you are constantly coming up with new ideas! I want to try them all and there's just not enough time! I love each and every one of them, gonna go tangle, thanks again for the wonderful inspiration. ZT just makes me happy!

  20. Every one is so beautiful. And, at the same time, doable. Thank you for this art form!


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