Tuesday, January 13, 2015

200 !

IamtheDivaCZT, aka Laura Harms, CZT, aka "The Diva" has posted her 200th weekly Zentangle challenge.

Congratulations Laura on your "Bi-Zen-Tennial Celebration"!

This week, Laura challenged us to:

". . . use your Mac'N'Cheese tangle in a Monotangle.  Or, in other words: create a tile using ONLY your go to, or favourite tangle.

"And let's take advantage of the WHOLE tile! No borders! Let's extend from end to end, and fill our tiles BURSTING with Tangly JOY!

"And finally - put the number 200 (big or small) somewhere on your tile."

Maria used rixty . . .

I (Rick) used paradox . . .

(Laura, two "C" shapes facing each other formed its string.)

In honor of this special event, Maria (who I think writes awesome limericks) composed . . .

Two hundred is quite a "festiva"
Can anyone hardly believe a. . .
Goddess named Laura
Zentangled an aura
All around us. . . ."Viva la Diva!"

Congrats again, Laura! Thanks for creating such a fun tradition in this wonderful Zentangle community.



Laura would love to have 200+ tiles for this event. So, we encourage you to join this celebration with your tile. And be sure to check out all the amazing tiles already there at this link.


She's got give-aways! :-)


  1. The magic and enthusiasm grows!
    200 cheers!!

  2. I've enjoyed seeing your support for the DIVA. Zentangle truly is a universal language encouraging creativity and fun. Thanks for all you do!

  3. Maria, I didn't know you wrote limericks... You are a woman of many talents!

  4. Love that paradox! It looks like crashing waves.

  5. Both are beautiful, I had to look for the 200 in Rixty :-)

  6. I don't suppose there are 200 Rixty's in there? Great tile! And what a dynamic Rick's Paradox! Both are amazing!

  7. Both are beautiful tiles! I really like the way you did Paradox!

  8. Wonderful tiles and wonderful support for Laura and the community at large! (((hugs)))

  9. Thank you for your love and support, you two!!


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