Saturday, January 10, 2015

Welcome CZT XVI !

Once again we are thrilled and proud to introduce a new class (the sixteenth!) of Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT) to you:

We are sharing larger images from this newsletter so you can enjoy them more closely.

Images of Zentangle Inspired Artwork that students bring to share:

Jella Verelst, CZT, returns to share her stories about practicing and teaching the practice of Zentangle. Jella was in our first CZT class in February, 2009. Her site is PaperArtStudio in Belgium.

Here's a closer view of those pumpkins we tangled:

And, the Zentangle Collaborative to which everyone contributed:


If you are interested in attending a CZT seminar in 2015, please see this link


  1. Congratualtionsto all. Thanks for sharing Rick and Maria. I enjoy seeing and hearing about each of these events.

  2. How exciting to see the beautiful faces of all my new friends from CZT 16 !!What an incredible time we had...and are still having! Thanks again so much for the amazing opportunity and for sharing your gift :) ~Kim vanZyll

  3. Welcome CZT XVI to a wonderful community of tanglers.


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