Friday, February 13, 2015

Gilded Wishes

Our heart-felt good wishes to all of you.

Sharing our heART-works are the perfect way to show how special all of you are to us.

We are ever grateful for the support you have bestowed upon us these past 10+ years.

These tiles were done by us and some by our amazing staff here at Zentangle Central. From our home to yours . . . have a loverly day​!

What are your Zentangle plans for Valentine's Day?

In appreciation we will send Maria's and Rick's gilded heart Bijoux tiles to four randomly chosen responders. Please somehow say who you are as we cannot announce "anonymous" has won. We will announce the winners in our next blog.

Enjoy your day!

Best wishes,

Rick, Maria and the Zentangle staff


Rick adds:
Here's what Maria's desk looked like as she prepared these tiles:

Click images for larger views.


  1. Absolutely beautiful as always! Thank you for the inspiration. Going out to a talk by our local (but world renown) Guitar Maker Pimentel family tomorrow at a historic church in Corrales NM. Can't wait!! Wishing you both a very happy Valentine's Day.

  2. I'll spend my Valentine's Day thinking about how my dad loved my mother for 62 years. Mother passed in 2000 and Dad in 2013. AND thoughts go to the Zentangle friends I've made and L O V E them all - all around the world. Hugs to the young boys !
    Marty McCarter
    CZT, Class 17, Novem. 2014

  3. This Valentine's Day, I will spending it by doing a Valentine's Day social event with senior citizens. I do activites with elderly residents usually a couple times of month and Valentines Day is a fun day by all. Wishing you guys a Happy Valentines day from Ohio :)

  4. Love them and would love to receive some gilded heart Bijoux tiles! Oh, wouldn't it be loverly?!

  5. What beautiful tiles! I will be working on Valentine's Day. I have a pile of tiles I've created over the past several weeks with heart or red inspired themes that I will be giving to my co-workers and some of my customers. I work in a specialty food market and it will be one of the busiest days of the year.

  6. Happy Valentine's Day. Thanks so much for sharing the desk shot. When I first saw the beautiful Bijous, I thought you had added the hearts at the end. How very beautiful. I held 3 Valentangle classes this week and am looking forward to an afternoon of relaxing and then have a K of C wive's appreciation dinner at church. Much love to you all.

  7. Valentine's Day I "Love" it and I love hearts and tangling them. Your's are beautiful, thanks for sharing the world of Zentangle with us.

  8. I was supposed to teach a Zentangle Valentines class, but got bumped by the pending blizzard! So it's going to just be me, my hot chocolate, and my trusty pens tangling away, waiting for the snow to fly! Happy Valentines day, stay warm! Carol Dunn CZT#3.

  9. very happy valentines to all of you as well. Stay warm. Love the wonderful tangles!

  10. Haven't used my stash of gild leaves in years...thanks for the nudge, R & M.
    Will be thinking of all the family members who have well as family scattered in the U.S. and will talk to some of them. Making Zendala samples for upcoming class...using gild leaves. Being full of gratitude for the love that surrounds me.

  11. Here in Nicaragua, where I live, 14th February is officially "the day of friendship and love", not just a day for lovers. I like that a lot. For myself, I thought I'd be recovering from oral surgery, so I made no plans, and then even that got canceled. So I'll have lots of time for tangling and for friends.

  12. Thank you for sharing all those beautiful valentines! Well, I have to work tomorrow...working 6 days a week lately. Between work and medical appt, that doesn't leave a lot of "me" time, let alone Zentangle time. I am able to find SOME tangle time though. I wish I could figure out how to share the Valentine that I made this week. From me to all of you (including Bijou)... a Very Happy Valentine's Day!

  13. Hi, I am Joyce Ebnet and ever since my Aunt got me started on this last year, I really love it. My husband and I are going to order a "Heart" shaped pizza for Valentine's Day and rent some movies to watch. Just a nice quiet night at home!! Happy Valentine's Day to all of you at Zentangle!!

  14. I will be working on a presentation that I will be giving on Monday. I'm hoping some potential students will come from that presentation. Hope your Valentine's Day is great!

  15. Beautiful tiles, as always! I love the golden hearts! My plans are to enjoy my tangling time and love giving those tiles away to my loved ones!

  16. Happy Valentine's Day Rick and Maria. I love the gilded hearts!

  17. Hello you two ! Happy Valentine's Day to you both! My wonderful man and I are celebrating our 54th Valentine's Day together. We have eaten chocolate together, held hands and hugged and felt so grateful that we found each other so long ago and best of all that our hearts still skip a beat when we see one another. Tonight we shall have a special wine and special meal, again....together, what a wonderful word that is, sound to me like a hug made of letters! best wishes,
    Sue Zanker

  18. Happy Valentine's Day to you too!!!
    Your tiles are gorgeous; the 5th is my favorite.
    I tangled a card for my husband Kees and bought him some bonbons. At this moment they are waiting for him at the breakfast table.
    Last week I saw a most beautiful silver ring with a moonstone and said to Kees that I would love to get that for my birthday in March. Yesterday Kees told me that today we will go to the shop where he will by it for Valentine.
    I also got a Halmark card from him, telling me that he is still (we were married in 2006) so happy to see me.

  19. Thanks Zentangle family for the beautiful golem heart Zentangle tiles. They're so wonderful. This Valentines Day I plan to sip hot chocolate and do crafts that I love and of course that includes Zentangle. Have a Zentangle day.

  20. Designing and creating a Zentangle for Valentine's Day is the perfect way to get into the mood of the holiday. I find it meditative and fulfilling.

  21. I never thought about gold hearts as I am a silver person but these are so pleasing to the eye. I wish each of you a Happy Valentines Day and tangles full of love! Thank you for sharing! CZT 16

  22. I love the gold hearts!

    Suzanne Carter

  23. Happy Valentine's Day to all at Z Central. We're expecting more snow today (yet again!) and so after a special dinner together with my Valentine (of 40 years), I am hoping to sit and tangle a bit. I'm very grateful for having had the opportunity (CZT 17) to be a part of this special and loving group.

  24. Happy Valentines Maria and Rick and Molly and the staff. We are "speeding" the beautiful words and movements of Zentangle out here in the world, thanks to all you inspire.

  25. Happy valentine's Day! Love those gilded hearts. They remind me of the Hans Christian Andersen tale of the Tin Soldier. Charming tangles, all of them!

  26. These are so cute. What a great thing to hide in someone's lunch bag, briefcase, etc. no words needed.

  27. Hi. I'm Pamela. The first half of today I have been finishing up my Art-Valentines. And don't you know it- my mail-lady came earlier than usual so I had to grab my keys and take the last three down to the Post Office. The rest of the day will be spent with my sweet husband. He has plans to surprise me with dinner out. (He just doesn't know- I know.)
    He has asked for my homemade tuna salad so as to distract me. :) Happy Valentines Day Maria & Rick.

  28. What a "love"ly idea to add gold leaf to your tiles - I would love to get a little bling!!! My husband is more precious to me than gold, so I will be spending my day with him doing what we love to do - hiking around Radnor Lake and then having dinner with his son & daughter-in-law. Valentine's Day is not just about showing love to your spouse or significant others, it's about showing love to those in your life who are special to you, so I want to thank all of you at Z hdqtrs - you mean more to me than you could possibly imagine!!!! Happy Valentine's Day

  29. i will be working in the ER fir 12 hours. i wish everyine a healthy valentines day! as always the tiles are wonderful. i need to try adding gilding to my own. i would be honored to receive one.

  30. these are beautiful! What did you use for the gilded hearts? I'll be spending Valentine's day finishing some tangles I started on the plane yesterday and having dinner with friends! Happy Valentine's Day!

  31. Love the gilded heart idea. These are great! As usual, we spend Valentine's Day working. My husband is a pianist so he will be playing all the romantic songs for the love birds at the gourmet restaurant where he works on Saturday nights. I get to do my regular chores, transport him back and forth, and get ready for a long day tomorrow with a concert in the afternoon and our regular work schedule at night. So - as we say Happy V D!! to you all!!

  32. These tiles look sooooooooooo lovely. I spent Valentine's moring with 5 lovely ladies, who now are addicted to the wonderful world of Zentangle. They loved the basic class I offered. Wishing you all a very lovely, warm and cosy Valentines day. With love from the Netherlands. Ellen

  33. Happy Valentine's day to you and your Zentangle™ family. I just finished my last ZIA Valentine card for my hubby, last night. Just thought I would tell you about a Zentangle card class that I taught at our Zentangle club last week. I cut out some white hearts on my Silhouette machine, and also some smaller pink hearts. The white ones were to tangle on. I also purchased card blanks and envelopes in red, and several embellishments. I supplied the glue, etc and made a sample for them as a suggestion on how to put the whole thing together. They all loved it! Oh, and there were over 70 people in the class! Thank you for making it all possible!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Oh, I forgot to mention that I LOVE the gilded heart!

  36. Your lovely tiles are an inspiration as for me, I'll be spending my Valentine's day in the corner thinking about how practically everybody at my high school is in a relationship and I don't even have a crush yet. Oh well, at least my desk is in a corner ^_^


  37. Oooohhh such fun! I don't wear gold, but I love it in artwork! I'm spending my Valentine's Day in a bit of a blizzard; a great day to not have to go anywhere. Yay! Wishing you all a quiver-full of hearty hearts. Hugs all 'round!

  38. No big plans - it will be relaxed and Zen-full here. Thank you for the giveaway and Happy Valentine's Day!

  39. Happy Valentine's Day...Those tiles are so cute. What a great idea!!

  40. This Valentine's Day here in North East Ohio is cold, and snowy. A perfect day to stay inside, enjoy the day with my family, and do some Zentangle inspired art. Blessing to all of you at Zentangle headquarters.
    Sue Olsen

  41. Beautiful tiles as always. Happy Valentine's Day.

  42. Love how the little gold heart just pops out. Spending a quiet night with the hubby for Valentine's. Love all the inspiration. Thanks.

  43. I am always in 'awe' of your work and of the love that has spread across the globe as a balm of creativity and inspiration. I am ever grateful for having found this way of 'drawing inward' that pulls the good from within us.....

    Happy heART Day!

    Patti Shaffner

  44. What an inspiration to see the staff's Zentangle tiles. Beautiful! I am spending the day at home with my husband. We are cozy and warm at home. We are having a major storm and home is the safest and most desirable place for us. Hope to win! Thanks

  45. A Valentine's Day full of running, flower arranging, hot chocolate and time with my husband and dog.

  46. Happy Valentine's Day!
    I spent the morning with a little tangling after breakfast. If I don't tangle at least once a day, my day isn't complete! The rest of the day was spent with my husband with dinner and a movie. The little touch of the gold heart was prefect for the day. I'm always inspired by your beautiful creations.

    Valentine hugs!
    Terri Brown. CZT-12

  47. Happy Valentine's day! Cosy at home and of course made a tangled valentine for my valentine

  48. Absolutely loved the gilded hearts on the tangles! I have been practicing my tangles today and gave my honey the one that I made for the Diva's challenge. Happy Valentine's Day to everyone!

  49. Happy Valentines Day! I am so inspired by your Zentangles and it is such a meditative release to tangle in my comfy, cozy chair! Especially during this snowy winter in Northern Rhode Island! I'm quite close to where you guys live, where you're probably getting even more snow than us! Your guilded heart tiles are simply beautiful!!
    Kathy Thompson <3

  50. What beautiful tiles created for Valentines Day...The guilded hearts were a great addition to make them sparkle!...hope everyone had a great Valentines Day!...

  51. I'm Ginny from AZ! Just started getting interested in Zentangle! Love these tiles!

  52. Love them and I'm impressed that you got the gold to show up so well in the photos. My pictures of gold always look like a muddy brown. How do you do it?

  53. Love them and I'm impressed that you got the gold to show up so well in the photos. My pictures of gold always look like a muddy brown. How do you do it?

  54. What beautiful gilded hearts and the tangles around them. Thank you for the inspiring work. I spent the day with my hubby in the memory care unit and we made valentine's for all the residents there. He even managed to remember, and get some help from the folks there, and his son to arrange for some lovely flowers for me. I was so touched. Hope you are staying safe and warm with all the snow that you have had. Happy hearts day to all of you at HQ!
    Kate Ahrens, CZT IX

  55. I look forward to new posts here, and this one delivered. I always look forward to partaking in the positive community derived from pen, ink, and paper. I never cease to be impressed with all the variations of Zentangles and their application on surfaces and objects. Thanks for the creative inspiration.

  56. My sweetheart and I are new tangles as of November (I discovered it and then assembled her a homemade "kit" for Christmas). Our main Valentine's Day activity was tangling together!

  57. These are beautiful! You've inspired me to try some gilding!

  58. Those are all so beautiful they look raised, wondering How you made them.
    My son took me to our local zoo the day before valentines day, we saw a Mother tiger with her 3 four month old kits. They were weaned and sleeping all together the stripes going in all directions. I see every pattern imagineable in nature, I am pretty sure God meant for us to notice and copy and represent in our own art. For after all we are made in his image.

  59. Thank you thank you so very much for the lovely surprise gift you sent from my making a comment a few months back! I have been wanting to thank you and realized that I might have to wait for an opportunity to present itself.
    I have two friends who are CZTs! How very lucky am I, thank you again you brightened my day more than you can guess,Sincerely Michele Taylor


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