Thursday, February 12, 2015

Just had to share . . .

Yesterday we received this precious note:
Dear Rick and Maria,

Thank you very much for the magnificent Zentangle Box. I'm enjoying it very much. It inspires me to draw more. And my classmates enjoy it too.

Hereby, I sent you a poster to have a lot of fun with. Hang the poster on a lamppost or tree in front of your house and watch what happens.

Bye, Bye,

The Netherlands

Molly put it up on a door in town, and people immediately took some.

Thank you so much, J.S., for sending that treasure!


Rick & Maria


  1. The world really needs more people like this!

  2. What a cool idea. I know what I'm doing for my next RAZ (random act of Zentangle)!

  3. What a cool idea. I know what I'm doing for my next RAZ (random act of Zentangle)!

  4. How fun is this! I am going to have to try that out too! Maybe I can get one ready and up for the weekend!


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