Saturday, December 5, 2015

On the fourth day of Christmas, Bijou bestowed on me . . .

. . . a "what-knot" for my Christmas tree. 

This is a somewhat odd Bijouism. N'est-ce pas?

What does this mean, "Choose your tangles"? Well, this is where we really get to be creative in our Zentangle endeavors. Other than when you are joining a challenge, as some of us joyfully do . . . when it comes to choosing which tangle to draw, you get to choose! Choose a new one, pick one at random, draw the same one(s) over and over, or change a familiar tangle – tweak it, adjust it, modify it – alter, change, adapt, refine, aura, or perf-orate it! You get to decide. No one to whine about your choice, give you grief about it, tell your mother about it, or tell you that you should have chosen something else!

So, it's a little thing, but it belongs to you. Only you. Not many things in this world where we can choose whatever we want, with no uncomfortable consequences to worry about. We say, bravo Bijou! You have shared with us this (albeit tiny) power. A superhero. Yup, that's Bijou.

Molly created this ornament from a Zendala, a Bijou tile, and a Bijouism for your pleasure.

When you finish tangling your Zendala, fold it in half in one direction, open it and fold it in half the other direction . . . keep doing that until you have a "pizza" looking tile with 8 "slices." Make a cut on one slice just to the middle. Glue or tape "pizza slice" #1 on top of "slice" #7 and voila! A hat-like something you (or your cat) might wear at the beach!

Slip your ribbon/cord through a hole in the center, attach the Bijou tile on one side, the Bijouism on the other, add a few trinkets, bells, charms or more tiles – and of course, a tassel to top (or bottom) it all off! (You can create a tiny tassel by fraying the string/cord, or snipping the ribbon.)


Our winning commenters from yesterday's blog, (On the third day of Christmas):
  • Teri Young 
  • Pat Floerke 
  • Shawn Brown 

Please send us your snail mail address to Zentangle [at] gmail [dot] com.

Many thanks for your participation in our Zentangle Journey!

Rick, Maria, Bijou and Molly


  1. Super cute! I love the parasol for the bijou tile! Choosing from such an endless array of tangles can be a challenge--but one I'm sure I'm up for this afternoon...Thanks!

  2. this is adorable! bet these would make awesome "umbrellas" for those fancy cocktails they drink in warmer climates. I would still use one in my cocoa ;)

  3. Reminds me of those drink umbrellas
    So cute and can be used for many occasions
    CZT 6

  4. This is such a great idea! I think I will have to try that myself....

  5. So creative! I am enjoying the descriptions, ornament, bauble, trinket, what not, what's next??

  6. Love it! Need it! Going to have to make it! :)

  7. I love this! I must make some right away;-)

  8. And the little orange thingies look just like the Dicso tangle!

  9. Funny because sometimes when I have chosen a tangle I think: I should have picked another one! Or sometimes I think I use a certain tangle too much. But you are right: there is no right or wrong in zentangles. What a relief :)

  10. Absolutely stunning! Great idea Maria! The results are magical.

  11. I really have to have a go to mandalas... love the challenge of trying new patterns. Sound like a plan in Christmas break.

  12. I really like this ornament -- it is the best so far!! I think I may even be able to make one. The only problem will be choosing which patterns to use. Hmmmm. I like the addition of bells. I have ornaments hanging in my car, computer room, and kitchen which have one or two bells on them. Whenever I hear them ring, it is a signal for me to stop and take a moment to be aware of myself, others, and my surroundings. Just the simple ting of a bell can work wonders for the soul!! Thank you for this ornament. I will be making them soon.

  13. As soon as I saw Molly's Zendala ornament, I knew I had to try this for myself! Wouldn't several of these look beautiful on a mini Christmas tree? Surely Bijou would approve, especially if I use tangles created by Rick, Maria and the rest of the Zentangle gang! Thank you for this idea! Now, off to tangle! Let's see...Hollibaugh...Paradox...

  14. Another fun idea to create using Zentangles! Thanks for sharing!

  15. Why didn't I think of that? Must give it a try.

  16. Very clever and cute! You continue to amaze me with your creations and ideas. Can't wait to give this a try!

  17. This is such a good idea! It would be a wonderful gift for anyone's tree. Thank you for the directions.

  18. Lovely. Now I just need to find some time to make one...

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. I like the Asian lantern look of this ornament. It's another wonderful example on how to use your tiles for a practical purpose, which I get asked about often. Thanks!

    Debbie Butterfield, CZT 19

  21. What a pretty tangle trinket! We used to call those little orange "flowers" Chinese lanterns when I was a kid. Love what you are doing! Will certainly give this a try. Thanks!

  22. I LOVE this one--of course I love all the items we have seen so far in these. Keep them coming.

  23. Love the umbrella ornament - it's like the little drink umbrellas. Great way to individualize drinks for party guests! The Bijou tile and -ism is cute. Loving these!

  24. Reminds me of the umbrella's in my cocktails in Mexico!
    Both very yummy!

  25. Another great idea to try. Thank you!

  26. Oh Molly - how charming!! The "hat" makes me think of the Chinese dance in the Nutcracker ballet. :) How appropriate! I'm loving these "days of Christmas" postings ... thank you!!

    Jan Brandt, CZT XII, Reno, Nevada, USA

  27. Sometimes choosing your tangles can be the hardest part. I recently took a class with a CZT and this is helping. Thanks. MartyG

  28. so cute! Choose your tangle - a simple sounding statement, but that's what it's all about!

  29. I've arrived late to this Christmas party, but have truly savored and admired the efforts presented thus far. I will be sure to tune in for these daily installations of joy. I like the Asian flair suggested by the use of red and the Chinese lanterns along with the ornament's structure.

  30. Très bon ! Jackie S CZT XIII

  31. At CZT 16, Bijou gave me his "choose your tangles" message along with our Diva Dance tiles! Thank you, Bijou! (I love your ornament, also!)

  32. What a deLight to see your message,tangles all accompanied with bells!

  33. This is so creative...and what a lovely and unique ornament!

  34. I love the presentation, Molly, including the choice of flowers you used to display your adorable "cat?" hat. Thanks for the idea, but my Corgi will be wearing the completed "hat". Ha!

  35. I love this, what a fun way to add a little something to your decoration.

  36. What a great idea. So unique. I love it.

  37. Look like I'm making more ornaments for the tree. They are cute

  38. So cute. I may have to add one to my tree!

  39. I enjoy the way you are piquing us to try new things, your thoughtfulness and forward thinking is very much appreciated. Guidance on our Zentangle journey includes growth in all sorts of sizes!

  40. Another great (or is it small) idea

  41. These are great ideas. Love the Chinese lanterns, too.

  42. I love the decorative idea! And I shall choose a tangle and practice it!

  43. Greetings,
    What a "freeing" word.....Choice.......the freedom to do whichever tangle I
    Love and light,

  44. I love how my choices create something beautiful! I am so loving all these new ideas!! ;-)

  45. The tins are great in themselves, but using the lid with tiles
    for an ornament is so original.

  46. I absolutely love this ornament! I have to give a go!
    Happy Holidays!

    Ana G.

  47. Another FABULOUS idea!!!!!!!!! A Zentangle class I regularly attend, is having their Holiday party in three days. I NOW know what I am going to make to bring! Thank you, thank you, thank you!

  48. I absolutely adore this ornament! I can picture a garden of the Japanese Lanterns and maybe some of the papery white Mmoney Plants all interspersed with these beautiful and precious ornaments! So lovely!!

  49. My challenge was choosing a string without pre planning how or what I want to put where. I draw numbers out of a hat and use that string. Going stringless is also a new challenge that motivates the use of new and different tangles, and/or pulling tangles a different way.


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