Friday, December 4, 2015

On the third day of Christmas, Bijou sent to me . . .

. . . a trinket for my Christmas tree.

This so very important Bijouism is one we should all consider – especially at this time of year. We seem to have less forgiveness for our own missteps. As simple as it sounds, it can be a difficult thing to master.

It takes practice. So maybe start with a Zentangle tile. A Bijou tile. Only teeny, tiny faux pas (as Bijou might say) to start with. Imagine looking at your Zentangle art, as if it were a child's. Think of only the good parts of it and focus (again with the focus) on those parts.

Guide yourself on a path of discovery, find a way to make it a jewel. Like it or not, this Bijouism will follow you into your daily life. There are no mistakes in life. Oh, we hear the reply, "Of course there are mistakes!" But, until the story is finished, who can say for certain that any event will prove to be a mistake at the story's end? At a minimum it is an opportunity to be more gentle with yourself. Then you have a chance to learn something new, an opportunity to do something unplanned, a way to save the day that perhaps you may not have given yourself a chance to consider.

So, have fun with this. It is a gift . . . from Bijou.

This has to be the "Bijou-i-est" Bijouism, for sure! Bijou is the symbol of "slow down," with the turtle a not-so-close second. This simple and amazing creature gets done whatever it needs to get done in its own time.

So, what does Bijou teach us? Get things done in your own time. We are all tempted to drive, walk, talk a bit faster when we are under pressure. We are bombarded with the speed of life. So, let's start our journey with a Zentangle tile and enjoy all its rewards. Our strokes will be what we want. Maybe we take our time to embellish a tangle before moving on to the next. We may decide to follow a more interesting, challenging (instead of safe) path as we move through our tile, our life. All good things which seem just out of reach when we rush.


This "trinket" was created by Julie. With a pencil, she traced the outline of a Bijou tile on a 3.5" tile, drew a larger border around that tracing, and tangled within that frame. After she finished tangling, she cut two slits on opposite sides of the original Bijou tracing and inserted the Bijouism. Once both tiles were done, she double side taped the two together back to back and punched two holes in the top corners and topped it all off with a very lovely ribbon. So simple and a very lovely trinket for any time of year!


And the winning commenters from Day 2 are:
  • Mary Tod 
  • Roseanne V. Sabol 
  • Ginny Styles 


Please send your snail mail address to Zentangle [at] gmail [dot] com and we will send along some treats!

With all the best from,

Rick, Maria, Molly, Bijou . . . and Julie!


  1. I remember doing that type of thing at CZT 18. We traced the bijou tile onto a regular tile, and filled the "frame" with diva dance rock n roll. That was how we were introduced to that tangle, which was one I'd ignored before, but now I love it! And of course the ladies behind the scenes cut two slits in the "frame" and inserted a bijou-ism. I forget which one I received. That reminds me, I need to have my CZT certificate, collaborative project print, and some other mementos professionally framed.

  2. "Slow down" That is one I have to keep reminding myself of this time of year. So much I am trying to get done, never enough time. Bijou is a good reminder to just slow down.

  3. Agree! Slow down will be my new mantra through the holiday season. I think it will make everything mean more. Happy holidays! Thank you for this gift.

  4. In the rush to get everything done in our busy lives, we often forget that slowing down brings us a greater appreciation of the people and the things that are really important to us. Thank you for the reminder!

  5. Slowing down is so important in this holiday season! I find that making time to tangle really does help me to find a few intentional moments in the day that do have their own more leisurely pace. Thank you for the beautiful reminder!

  6. That is something I need to do. Slow down slow down driving slow down reading slow down! And enjoy the process. I have always done everything at 100mph. Spinning out of control. Slowing down would allow me to really absorb the experiences. I'll have to put that on next year's calendar.

  7. Slow and deliberate is the title of my story for today. Thank you for the gentle reminder that this is, in fact, okay! A one hour meeting with a new found Friend discovered through Zentangle, turned to two hours. After she left the coffee shop, I logged another hour sharing the story of Zentangle with an elderly gentleman who had been admiring our art from a distance. My heart was full as I presented him with a Zentangle I recently created, and a blank tile to try for himself. It's all good.

  8. Another cool way to display tiles... maybe my Christmas tree next year will be a Zen Tree!

  9. "No mistakes" - Always a favorite in my classes

  10. Bijou joined me at theCZT 17 seminar. As a relatively new person to the Zentangle experience my goal was to learn as much as I could in a relatively short time.Needless to say I was focused!I was tickled to see how easy it was to create an interesting frame but when the frame was completed there was the Bijou tile with Slow Down in my frame!!It was perfect. The tile is tucked in frame near where I typically tangle and appears during every one of my classes! About half way through each class we take a little break, put our pens down, breathe and stretch. Ideally the tile is projected for all to see. I try to share the fact each person in the class is unique and works at their own pace creating their tangles one focused stroke at a time. Bijou's Slow Down message confirms the lesson.

  11. Love Julie's "trinket." Jackie S CZTXIII

  12. Every year I look forward to the holiday inspired Zentangle projects. Keep them coming!
    Melissa Cahn

  13. These are two good ones. Especially at this time of year. MartyG

  14. A wonderful project slow down during this "frantic" time of year is a good reminder for us all. Thanks so much for the ideas and beautiful presentations. Many blessings to you all ~~

  15. "Slow Down" takes conscious effort quite often during this hustle, bustle season. "No Mistakes" should be woven throughout our lives, without a "life" eraser. Another reason that creating a Zentangle resonates with me, is that there are no mistakes in tangling either! There is no need for an eraser, create beauty around and from a possible "mistake!" Thank you for sharing these lovely inspirations for us all!

  16. love the days I can tangle at turtle speed.

  17. I think it is so counter-intuitive to try to slow down during the commercial holiday season! One must be very intentional and Zentangle is a form of kinesthetic meditation to help one do that.

  18. This came just in time for me--I need to slow down, take a deep breath and tangle. That will definitely help me make it through this busy season. I also like that I do not have to worry about mistakes. I can turn what I may have thought to be a mistake into a "new" tangle--because there are no mistakes allowed. Thanks for all of the Bijouisms.

  19. I really like the idea behind the Bijou process. Over the last 10 years or so I have had to slow down due to a chronic health issue. It was very hard and frustrating at first. I was a volunteer firefighter/EMT for 19 years besides working full-time. I was always on the go and of course did not sleep well (or enough), did not eat well, and did not take care of myself. I have learned in the last few years that I must take care of myself first if I wish to be available to assist others. I have learned to say "no" (which was very hard at first) and I now spend more time for me. Since discovering Zentangle in March of this year, I have spent many hours with my pens and tiles and sketch pad in blissful zen!! Thank you for making this process available to all!!

  20. Funny, was just chatting with a friend on how to slow life down a bit. Was going to google this conundrum then Bijou showed up and the answer was right there.

  21. Forgiveness for our own ?mistakes? Now there's a concept that gets lost in the shuffle or drowned in "responsibilities" all the time. It's something I've had to confront over and over, since my Mom got a real heavy dose of victim/martyr programming growing up and, of course, passed it on, And now I'm doing elder care time with her every day so I have to address it constantly for both of us. Great reminder!

  22. I think I need to slow down. Life is too busy right now

  23. Lovely reminders! (And lovely tiles, Julie!) I so relate to Bijou's pace ... I rarely get past 2nd gear. However, I've always felt I *should* move along faster to keep pace with the world. Among the MANY gifts Zentangle has offered me, I treasure the encouragement to slow down, focus on the process and enjoy drawing one stroke at a time. Such validation of my true nature. :)

    Jan Brandt, CZT XII, Reno, Nevada, USA

  24. You said it all in: "There are no mistakes in life".

  25. I love doing Zentangle where there are no mistakes. I make Zentangle art to give as gifts and the giving of something I've done from my heart is so rewarding.

  26. These are beautiful as Christmas decorations and great reminders to slow down and enjoy the moments! Love them.

  27. nice tiles, visually & message-wise

  28. I love this simple idea for using Bijou tiles. Very elegant and great reminders for the holiday season, and any season!

  29. I love Bijou and how I am reminded to slow down, breathe, relax and more. Zentangle takes the stress out of my life, even the tiniest tensions that arise during the course of the day. Thank you, Rick and Maria, for coming into my life and enlightening my journey thru it.

  30. At this time of year I have to really remember to take things is always "hustle and bustle"...A little zentangle each day helps to remind me there is always slow down and enjoy.

  31. One of my most favorite activities at seminar was making a bijou frame. Your words (and bijou's) are so inspiring - what a gift you have for writing! Thank you.

  32. I love the ornament. I know I need to slow down more.

  33. I just love the idea of the tile within a tile. I have seen some of your work where you have done this just with the drawing, but to actually put a Bijouism into a larger tile is fantastic. She did a great job. I keep telling my students that there are no mistakes, only opportunities. They love it, but have a hard time wrapping their heads around the concept.

  34. What helps me with both slowing down and remembering to think "unintended" rather than "mistake" is to bear in mind that enjoying the process matters to me so much more than the finished results. These daily Bijouisms are lovely - thanks.

  35. Love the bijou tile. So much fun on such a small piece of beautiful paper. Ideal for late night drawing to relax and enjoy. Love the idea of framing in a larger tile.

  36. Thank you very much for these beautiful posts and designs!! Once again you have inspired me to reach for a new level. Will try to implement something similar to this concept with my friends. Pam Truitt CZT 19

  37. No mistakes, only new possibilities. Thank you bijou and all the talented zentangle people.

  38. Bijou has such great advice!! Keep it coming!

  39. Bijou has such great advice!! Keep it coming!

  40. I like inserting a "printempt" Bijou image into my tiles every once in a while just to remind me of the whimsy and fun stuff of life. These tiles created by Julie are so cute that today I will create a Bijou tile for my dining room. Nothing like a little piece of art to remind you to keep things into perspective. Thanks for your fun posts that make me smile.

  41. I am so delighted to have discovered ZenTangle as of this summer! I find meditation to be a lovely practice, one which I seldom do, but your words and the ZenTangle process fill my needs for peace and creativity both. Thank you so much! I feel blessed

  42. Slow down - great advice! I shall do that from now on!

  43. While we all know a tile can be done in as little as 20 minutes this is a gray reminder to enjoy the process and enjoy even more the final outcome come what may!! ;-)

  44. Greetings,
    What a wonderful thought....."slow down".......something we should all do.......and take some time for our selves.....thank you for the reminder.
    Love and light,

  45. Wow! FABULOUS idea!! I cherish my tile that has the Bijou tile slipped into it; what a great way to show it off!

  46. Wonderful thoughts, especially on redeeming our days by (allowing ourselves to) try something different. Thank you, thank you!

    - Holly

  47. I find that my mistakes give me motivation to think of other opportunities that the "mistake" is a special part of the piece.

  48. Thank you for this post. Slowing down is not something I've done in months and I need to do just that. Today, I WILL take some time for me.


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