Saturday, December 10, 2016

On the eighth day of 3Zs . . .

On the eighth day of 3Zs,
Bijou sketched for me,
Perky pokeleafs peeking . . .

Dark and naughty knightsbridge,
Swirling molygon-ings,
Gold, glowing tipples,
Some marasu encircling,
Winsome bits of shattuck,
Fetching diva dancing,
And a tile full of tripoli!

It's taking Alfie longer each day to arrange this growing mosaic. The effort is worth it because the result makes you want to just sit there and marvel in wonder and appreciation . . .

. . . appreciating every exquisite tile, how each one interacts with its neighbors and the organic beauty of the completed mosaic.


Thank you all for continuing to play with these twelve days!

The hashtag for today's tile is: #8thdayof3zs

To see the guidelines for these 12 days, go here.

We will give out a prize for one randomly chosen poster of each day's tiles on the app and also for one randomly chosen commenter on each day's blog post. (We'll announce the winners shortly after the twelfth day.)

And here's pokeleaf:

See you all on Monday . . . (we're taking tomorrow as a day of rest).


  1. Wonderful complement to the other tangles chosen. These will be lovely tiles. Well thought out guys! ❤️️

  2. The tangle choices have been so fun! Wow that mosaic is a marvel! So beautiful and inspiring!❤️

  3. So glad you included pokeleaf - one of my favorites!

  4. I think Pokeleaf is one of the most used tangles, all over the world, simple but very nice. It is my favorite too and I'm glad this pattern is included in this wonderful mosaïc!

  5. Love pokeleaf. A day off? Oh no! Only kidding...

  6. Pokeleaf ... yeah! The mosaic grows to a fantastic artwork!

  7. i love poke leaf!! And you definitely deserve a day of rest :-)

  8. Pokeleaf is one of my favorites! The mosaics are stunning! What fun!

  9. My #1 favorite tangle. Thanks for including it in the 12 days of 3Zs.

  10. Can't wait to add poke leaf! So fun!

  11. I just knew that pesky leaf would come poking around sooner or later.

  12. Pokeleaf is my favorite! This Mosaic truly amazing.

  13. Have never actually tangled pokeleaf so am excited to try it! Alfie certainly has his work cut out for him but his reward should come from knowing what beauty he is presenting to us and how much we appreciate all his efforts. You deserve a day of rest and am hoping you actually do so during this busy season, yet will be looking forward to seeing what's in store for Monday!

  14. I haven't played with this one too much, excited to play!!

  15. Esther Piszczek, CZTDecember 10, 2016 at 4:22 PM

    Ahh, Poke Leaf! I always think of this tangle as a "Maria favorite", whether it is, or not. Another lovely addition to the growing list of 12 Days tangles!!

  16. Oh, I love PokeLeaf! Thank you for this challenge! Will miss you tomorrow, but it will give me a chance to catch up! :)

  17. Pokeleaf is one of my favorites! I just came across the 12 Days series, and I love how the Tipple in brown and gold sets off the other tiles and sections of tiles.

  18. Whoever is having such fun posing & photographing Alfie's adventures is brilliantly inventive & making it all so magical. I reckon you could make a coffee table book featuring photographs with the story of "Alfie's 12 Days of Christmas Adventures" - maybe dated editions even!

  19. My first challenge offers my so much fun and a steady with patterns, coloures, shading and pens. Thank you for this opportunity to share the fary world of art and Zentangle.

  20. Thank you fir another inspiring day

  21. These are so awe-inspiring, magical. Magic is what the Christmas season is all about. I am so glad to be a part of this.

  22. These are so awe-inspiring, magical. Magic is what the Christmas season is all about. I am so glad to be a part of this.

  23. One of my favorite go-to tangles! So versatile!

  24. This mosaic becomes more stunning every day! Thank you for the inspiration.

  25. Yeah for Poke Leaf and Kudos to Alfie for magnificent mosaics! Love this challenge!

  26. Really enjoying these tiles and this challenge. Have a wonderful Sunday off!

  27. Loving this. I can't wait for my email and have to stalk your blog! Happy holidays.

  28. Wonderful range of tangles, and pokeleaf fills a unique niche among all the previous tangles. I'm going to have to note down and keep all the 12 tangles to play with how they all go together throughout 2017.

  29. Poke leaf is another favorite! The 3Z tiles you all have created continue to amaze me! Thanks for letting us peak inside your creative workshop!

  30. Each day is more beautiful than the last. I am really loving this. Thank you for sharing.

  31. I am glad it is the weekend. I need the extra hours to catch up. 😳

  32. The artwork from all at ZTHQ is always inspiring. Love the mosaic to date. Can't wait to see the finished one.

  33. It just gets better and better. When I think of the possibilities with Zentangle and what it means to me, I want to really share the joy and zen with others and encourage them to experience those same feelings. These tiles have been a wonderful journey and I'm looking forward to seeing what the remaining tiles bring to the table in terms of tangles and mosaics! Cheers!

  34. Pokeleaf is one of my favorites! Thank you for the amazing inspiration!

  35. Poke leaf is so much fun....big or many variations!

  36. one of my favorites - have a good rest tomorrow

  37. Poke leaf is fun! Can't wait to do a focus tile on it!

  38. Love Pokeleaf (and Pokeroot).
    Maybe because the stuff pops up around here every year, and I use the berries for natural dyeing.
    And now that everything not evergreen has already iced back, it brings welcome thoughts of spring & summer.

  39. Loving the addition of Pokeleaf to the mix!

  40. great chance to practice this tangle, I rarely think of it!

  41. Very nice! I can't wait for my 3Zs to arrive ... although there were supposed to be here yesterday! Hmmmm .....

  42. I came to this challenge rather late, so I will be madly tangling for days. It's just a wonderful way to get creative juices flowing. I've decided that my sisters, both avid readers, will be getting tangled bookmarks in their stockings this year, as will several friends. Thank you for making this so much fun!

  43. Alfie needs a day of rest. He is working hard arranging all those tiles.

  44. Laura Carpenter CZT21December 11, 2016 at 6:48 AM

    One of my very favorites and definitely another "go-to"!

  45. so much fun, so many possibilities. Today's is a grabber!

  46. Most of my tiles have poke leaf or poke root somewhere snuggled in. Love it!

  47. Pokeleaf is one of my favorite! Alphie must be tired! Doing a great job!

  48. Pokeleaf is one of my "go to" tangles. Lookin' good ! Jackie CZT XIII

  49. Poke leaf/pokeroot are stars of my garden tangles.

  50. I'm new to tangling... I just found and practiced Poke Root the other day and was thinking about possible variations! I love this one! Thanks!

  51. All the tiles are so awesome. I really love the mosaics (for all the days) that Alfie creates. A clever boy!

  52. Another day of inspiration! I'm loving these tiles.

  53. Ack! I've missed so much, not having time to come check the blog because of school...this project is really quite amazing, though! I love looking at the ever-growing mosaic...can't wait to get my hands on some 3Z tiles! (Alas, I'm entirely broke at the moment, so it'll have to wait...)

  54. My favorite pic? The ones where the tiles are inserted into the pages of that beautiful book. xox

  55. Wonderful! Pokeleaf is like a counterpoint to the other tangles. How fun!

  56. Loving this challenge! Pokeleaf is a great addition.

  57. So beautiful on this foggy day!

  58. I love the pokeleaf tangle along with pokeroot, too. The nature based, organic tangles are some of my favorites. Have a relaxing day off.

  59. Your mosaic garden of 3zs just keeps growing and growing...Delightful!

  60. Fun! Love all the variations that poke leaf offers!

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Such gorgeous eye-candy!
    Enjoy a well-deserved day off 💕

  63. This is my first time following the 12 days tangles. While I haven't started on actual tiles yet, I have my tattered Moleskine that I carry in my purse that I've been following along with. The molygon was a favorite but the pokeleaf brought back a strong memory of finishing a quilt for a grandmother-in-law that is no longer with us. I used a very similar pattern on the quilt. My mother-in-law has the quilt now for even more love and use. I'm really enjoying this as I see a lot of crossover to my quilting patterns. I think tangling along will only enrich and strengthen my freemotion quilting. Thanks for putting these out there for us! Kara

  64. Pleaaaaase put up day 9. Waited patiently all day Sunday. Thank you.

  65. Somehow I struggle a bit with Pokeleaf - perhaps it's because it's meant to look like a leaf - hence the great thing about most of Zentangle being non-representational. But a bit of a struggle is not about to stop me!

  66. Ooooh! I know this one! I'm enjoying this challenge!

  67. I think Pokeleaf has to be my all-time favorite tangle. Glad you chose to use it

  68. Tipples has been my go-to tangle from the beginning. So happy it is the pattern that gets to be GOLD!

  69. I haven't tried pokeleaf yet. Thanks for challenging me!

  70. Pokeleaf is fun. Beautiful tiles!

  71. I have always loved Pokeleaf. It is one of my go-tos!

  72. Wonderful complement to the other tangles chosen. These will be lovely tiles. Well thought out guys! ❤️️
    gclub online


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