Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Charlotte Carpentier, CZT

CZT Family Tree
We always say that the Zentangle Method attracts really awesome people. We have had the pleasure of working with wonderful Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT) all over the world and we are excited to share these wonderful people with the entire Zentangle Community. Through our series, CZT Family Tree, we will introduce individual CZTs.

Today, we are excited to introduce Charlotte Carpentier


Name: Charlotte “CharKat” Carpentier

CZT#: 14 

Hometown: Originally – Tombstone, Arizona, Currently – Temecula, California

Favorite tangle: Fengle (have it as a tattoo from LONG before I started tangling)

Favorite place to tangle: In airports and on airplanes…it means I am going someplace!

How I use the Zentangle Method in my life: I medically retired from the Army in 2012. I have chronic pain from herniated disks and bad knees, PTSD, and have suffered from debilitating depression my whole life. As a consequence, I also suffer from insomnia. Because I practice the Zentangle Method whenever I start a tile, it has become a meditation for me to get to sleep. When I am trying to wind down my brain to sleep, I go through the process in my head, step by step, and I am generally asleep before I finish the strokes of my first tangle. Because I am sleeping better, and have such a wonderful outlet for my art, my depression has been in remission for several years now. Only occasionally do I have what I call “black moments” (they used to be “black months”…reduced to “black days”…and now only moments.) I am also able to better regulate my pain tolerance without medication by regularly practicing, and have employed stretching methods from my Kinesiology degree that I teach in all my classes.

My favorite story or memory about teaching the Zentangle Method is: Through my experiences as a CZT, I have learned what a wonderful sense of community we have as CZTs. Sharing with my fellow CZTs has given me a purpose. I feel like I am part of something larger than myself, and that has given me hope in some darker times.

If I’m not tangling, you will find me...: At a rock concert…or traveling…or traveling to a rock concert.

Find me on the Zentangle Mosaic App: CharKatTangles

Website/Blog: www.charkatscreativeinsanity.com


  1. It is great to meet you Charlotte, and welcome to the family! Great tangles too. So glad that tangling is able to help relieve the pain.

  2. Char, Great "family post" here. (I love that you have a Fengle tattoo!) It was wonderful connecting with you at Tangle U! 💕

  3. Char....my seat neighbor for TU17! It was great sharing all the tangling with you; you are one talented woman! Love having you in my tangling family.

  4. I had the pleasure of meeting you at TU16. It was a joy and I remember having a lot of admiration for you.

  5. I had the pleasure of meeing Charlotte IRL (in real life) when we started a cruise in San Diego and she came down with her s.o. to meet us for dinner. One of the unexpected benefits of discovering Zentangle and becoming a CZT is that I now know people all over the world who share an intense interest---fondly referred to as my Entangle peeps.

    1. Not "Entangle"--- Zentangle. Gimme a break autocorrect.

  6. What a lovely idea!!!! With 26 seminar groups, it's hard to get to know everyone but this is a good way to do it! Don't forget to include which seminar you're from! Thanks!!!

  7. I know you already from the Diva's challenge and it is very nice to meet you here again. Thank you for sharing your honest story, I wish you lots of tanglepleasure and succes for the future!

  8. Yours is a powerful testimony, Charlotte. Thank you for sharing it, and for sharing the powerful of Zentangle with so many others.

  9. Hi, Charlotte. I also use Zentangle as a source of pain management. I have had 7 back surgeries in 20yrs, so I,too, suffer from intense pain. Focusing on tangles is a great distraction technique. I love your creativite tangling, but, my favorite is the first round, with the rose in the center. Welcome and congratulations on your CZT!!!


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