Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Welcome CZT 27!

Our new home for our Certified Zentangle Teacher training seminars is so wonderful, it feels like we've always been here!

In this our twenty-seventh seminar we all made new friends and renewed old friendships. Some CZTs returned to take the seminar again and some people have been so active on the Zentangle Mosaic app that we already felt we knew them. It was wonderful!

As usual, we have some great images to share. Let's start by welcoming the CZT Class of 27!

This time 18 countries were represented. We added St. Maarten to the list so now there are CZTs in 39 countries!

This seminar was held in the Providence Biltmore. As we remarked earlier, this hotel was built for a Zentangle event because of its decorative tangle-inspiring style.

Let's take a closer look at that ceiling . . .

All you had to was look up . . . or around to get inspiration.

Speaking about inspiration, the beautiful art that CZTs shared provided even more inspiration to put pen to paper:

After each session, we put our tiles together in a mosaic. It was always amazing to see how each person's unique expression fit ever so elegantly into the mosaic:

Class time was focused and fun . . .

 After catching a candid of Molly in front of the tangled wings . . .

Maria and I took pictures of each other:

How wonderful it would be to package the love and creativity and community that happens at these seminars into this blog. If we could, we would. But until that is possible, we will look forward to sharing it with you in person at a future seminar!


All of us at Zentangle HQ are SO grateful for all who traveled from near and far to make this experience all that it could be.

Thank you!

For all who are about to come or who are considering attending, we look forward to meeting you and working with you.

Until next time . . .

Rick and Maria


Upcoming seminars:

June 18-21, 2017

June 25-28, 2017


  1. To see all this joy brings back wonderful memories of CZT 20 and tears to my eyes. Maybe one day I will come again and experience it all over again.

  2. It as so wonderful to be back at CZT27. Biltmore hotel is truly inspiring. Thanks for the classes, the music, the fun, the friendship.

  3. This was such a monumentous time in my life I know how impacting Seminar is! Looks like you again, had a fantastic time! Love the picture of Molly In front of the wings!

  4. It's such a wonderful gathering and inspiration training again. Can feel how enjoyable all of you there. I miss Molly, Maria, Rick and the people we met at CZT 25 last year. Wish Charlotte and I will come to join CZT soon.

  5. Just seeing this makes me smile. I'm still processing all of the wonderful experiences from the seminar. The people, process, and place were all beautiful and inspiring. I'm so grateful to be able to say that I'm a Certified Zentangle Teacher!

  6. Attending CZT27 was a wicked fantastic experience! I very much agree with what was mentioned in this blog post, that I too wish I could bottle up the special feelings I enjoyed at this terrific seminar. It was full of love, support, kindness, fun, inspiration, and it was such a wicked great adventure. {by the way, I learned wicked = really, really. LOL} While I personally experienced a little bit of struggle with my inner-critic telling me that my patterns weren't good enough, I'm proud to say that I overcame that snarky voice and I know that there is no wrong! I know that my designs ARE good enough. Despite currently being a beginner with Zentangle, I also know that with time my designs will grow. I recommend everyone, anyone, to attend this wicked great CZT seminar. Thank you with all my heart, to everyone involved with putting together CZT at the Providence Biltmore Hotel. Everything was top notch and worth every dollar. Thank you Maria & Rick!!! Best wishes, JeanMarie

  7. CZT 27 was a magical experience which this Cinderella did not want to have the clock strike 12 and see it come to an end. However, I sat with a 19 year old deaf student when I got home and told her she was my first student. She entered the experience wondering what it was all about and after our lesson, she texted me and said, "Thank you for showing me this!" THAT is the magic of Zentangle!

  8. To see all this joy brings back wonderful memories of CZT 20 and tears to my eyes. Maybe one day I will come again and experience it all over again.
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