Wednesday, December 14, 2016

On the eleventh day of 3Zs . . .

On the eleventh day of 3Zs,
Bijou gave to me,
Wandering icanthis . . .

Not so boring drawings,
Tangled auraknot-ings,
Perky pokeleafs peeking,
Dark and naughty knightsbridge,
Swirling molygon-ings,
Gold, glowing tipples,
Some marasu encircling,
Winsome bits of shattuck,
Fetching diva dancing,
And a tile full of tripoli!

Alfie is so pleased with himself that he got all of the tiles on one side of the book!

Once again Alfie had fun making this mosaic . . . eventually. First he asked us to add a leaf to the table to accommodate the additional icanthis tiles (what an appropriate coincidence!).

So today our table reminds us also to "Create, Praise, Savor and Embrace"!


Thank you all for continuing to play with these twelve days!

The hashtag for today's tile is: #11thdayof3zs

To see the guidelines for these 12 days, go here.

We will give out a prize for one randomly chosen poster of each day's tiles on the app and also for one randomly chosen commenter on each day's blog post. (We'll announce the winners shortly after the twelfth day.)

And here's icanthis:

We published this newsletter yesterday introducing yesterday's and today's tangles. Both are new and we think you will enjoy them as you get to know them.

See you tomorrow!


  1. I'm really excited and really sad to wrap up the 12 days. Icanthis is beautiful... looking forward to seeing how everyone uses it 😄

  2. Icanthis is such a beautiful, new tangle! I know I will have fun using it on many future tile designs! Thanks for all your wonderful inspirations!

  3. Having played with both of the new tangles today I can see the relations between them, not an accident for sure. It's building on each other and other tangles, it's spotting the similarities and the spaces of difference between. It's all so wise and simple at the same time.

  4. Great to play with another new tangle. This is also a very fun one to use and I can see that I will be using both of them for many years! I am so glad that you invited all of us to play with you this year! It's been fun!

  5. I'm excited to read the posts but now sad that it is the 11th day of 12. Only one more day to go! I will have to go back through them and make it the 24 days of Christmas.

  6. I'm fond of the lovely Icanthis and I know I'm gonna use this pattern a lot of times in the future.

  7. i LOVE organic tangles!!! can't wait to try these new tangles!!

  8. I'm glad Alfie asked you to add another leaf to the table...which, by the way, is inspiring in itself! I love the way the tangles are coming together. The dynamics of the tangles and the tiles themselves are jaw-droppingly awesome. Thank you for so many ideas. Happy blessings to you on this day!

  9. Love the new tangles! Now to slow down and get to "drarwing" (hehe) them. I am hoping Santa brings me some real 3Zs!

  10. I am behind in my #12daysof3Zs since my 3Z tiles had to be sent to Canada but no worries,
    I plan to finish on my own schedule before Christmas of course! I love seeing all the ideas
    from Zentangle and all the other tangling artists from so many different parts of the world!
    The book you created Maria is so intricate and beautiful, your 3Z tiles belong there!
    I can't wait to try the new tangles!

  11. Such a beautiful tangle. So happy that Maria deconstructed this design and shared it so that it is doable or the the rest of us mere mortals. 🙂

  12. Esther Piszczek, CZTDecember 14, 2016 at 3:06 PM

    Another inspiring day of gorgeous tiles! I love seeing how every tangler puts the patterns together in their own way!

  13. Another new tangle! Will definitely be practicing this one into the new year.

  14. This should be fun a welcome addition!

  15. Lovely organic new pattern. I think it become one of my favorites.

  16. Another gorgeous new tangle! I know that I will be using Drawings and Icanthis often! I am sad that there is only one more day of inspiring journey!

  17. Absolutely love the new tangle Icanthis. It is just gorgeous! Will be sad when the 12 days are over!

  18. I think I can? I think I can. I think I can!

  19. A great new tangle. I love these floral ones. And so many gorgeous tiles. Wonderful!

  20. Although I'm only very new to Zentangle I am really enjoying The 12 days of 3Zs I have really enjoyed seeing the tangles come together congratulations to everyone who played along amazing creations

  21. Alfie must be looking forward to the end of the 12 days, so he can leave the mozaiek and enjoy for longer then one day ;)

  22. Gorgeous! This series has been a light in the season.

  23. So excited to use Icanthis in Day 11. It was introduced during Zentangle Weekend at Kripalu by Molly & Marth--they did such a beautiful job describing it and illustrating how to put it together!

  24. oh my! An explosion of tiles. I love the mosaics, but I miss some of the creative tile uses from other years.

  25. I have really enjoyed all the beautiful tiles created these past 11 days! This has been a wonderful way to celebrate the season!

  26. Seems complicated...but very pretty. ☺

  27. I have been so busy that I haven't played much with the new tangles...looking forward to trying!

  28. I have been so busy that I haven't played much with the new tangles...looking forward to trying!

  29. I am both very excited and a little sad to come to day 11. That means only one day left. I will work on tile 10 tonight and hope to get to 11 and 12 by no later than Friday! I am proud of myself for keeping up (almost). Not easy with a high energy miniature daschund puppy to keep up with. Thanks for a lovely time. I still want to know all about the BOOK!

  30. Laura Carpenter CZT21December 14, 2016 at 7:35 PM

    Oh where oh where did the days go?? Can't believe it's already the 11th! Haven't tried this one yet but am excited to go so ;-)

  31. Is it really the eleventh day already? I don't want it to end!! Isn't Alfie a marvel at assembling his mosaics?

  32. Icanthis, icanthis, icanthis!!!! (Seriously hoping!!) Have been anxiously awaiting this step out for this very pretty tangle so was glad to get an early peek yesterday. Wish I'd had time to play a little before plunging in but I am taking the plunge now!

  33. Love the new tangles! Now to slow down and get to "drarwing" (hehe) them. I am hoping Santa brings me some real 3Zs!

  34. This is my first attempt with icanthis... I am definitely looking forward to spending some concentrated time over the holidays on the new tangles! And, if Santa is good to me, with some triangular tiles!

  35. Wow! Icanthis is a terrific organic tangle! I'm looking forward to having it peek out from behind other tangles. ....I'm sad, only one more day left! :(

  36. I love Icanthis and plan on playing with this one in my Zentangle journal a lot!

  37. You know, I wasn't sure if I liked the new icanthis pattern . . . but it sure is fun to draw!

  38. Alfie must be tired and happy to see a well deserved rest in the near future!

  39. HOw fun to see the new tangles! Thanks for putting them to such good use.

  40. ~~~Now things are getting really "organically ornate"
    with Icanthus following DrawWings ~~~

  41. Icanthis & Icanthat as I meander through these last two of the 12 days of 3Zs. I have so enjoyed the series, playing with forgotten tangles, favourite tangles & new tangles. Thank you so much for running the 12 days of... again this year.

  42. Icanthis is gorgeous! Thanks for a fun 12 days!

  43. I like the familiarity of the tangles that remind me of green things. That is getting to be quite the large amount of tiles! I love how the 3 sided tiles look in mosaics!

  44. I love Icanthis! I'm having such fun with the 12 Days. I can't believe it's almost over. I'm inspired to keep my mosaic evolving. Thank you for sharing your new patterns with all of us. Wishing you the happiest of holidays;-)

  45. The 3z tiles make a wonderful mosaic. There are so many ways to put them together. There are no limits!

  46. I love the tangle icanthis. I don't think I can create the same one twice. It has been a challenge to combine all the tangles and place them on a 3Z. It has definitely challenged me to think more outside the box. I have looked forward to finding out what the new tangle is for the day and I will miss that element of surprise each day. Thank you for this fun challenge.
    I wish you all at Zentangle HQ a fabulous holiday season.

  47. So fun! I wish it wasn't almost over

  48. Today's mosaic just blows me away. There is such a visual feast in the variations of the tangles.

  49. Wow...the new tangles are! I just saw your play-along and l'm so sad that it is so too late to play. I will have to post my entries at a later date.

    Will you have these play-alongside more often?

    L Smoke

  50. Alfie is very clever at symmetry & this is a wonderful use of negative space to catch the eye with the arrangement. Love the new tangle - such a versatile one for all kinds of occasions.

  51. I continue to be amazed at all the beautiful tiles. Brown and black ink is my new passion.

  52. I love Alfie's use of negative space in today's mosaic, as in several previous days. Also the table's reminder to create, praise, savor, and embrace. And thanks for another new tangle.

  53. "icanthis" is awesome and beautiful! It looks like Christmas to me. Love the name as well as the tangle. These days of tangles has been so inspiring! Thank you for sharing your creativity with so many people!

  54. I am amazed and delighted at how easy this tangle is, yet how intricate it appears! Another winner!!!

  55. Amazing - as always. It would be awesome if you published this whole series with all these gorgeous tiles and photos as a book or pamphlet - so much beauty and inspiration. I would be first in line to buy it!

  56. This is one of my favorite new tangles - I love the organic ones!

  57. I wish I could purchase your book in which Alfie is placing your zentangles. But then I probably couldn't afford it. :-) I haven't been keeping up with your 3Z's; however, I have been zentangling Christmas cards, gifts, etc.

  58. Wandering icanthis is very merry. Jackie CZT XIII

  59. hmmm...I am thinking this one might be a bit of a challenge for me...might challenges are good things!

  60. I would love to see an "aerial" photo of your table top. So beautiful, and I'm sure there's a beautiful story behind it, too.

  61. So beautiful and inspiring!

  62. This is such a beautiful new tangle. I haven't had time to try it yet, but am anxious to. It's a little hectic for me right now and I'm behind. I love to look at all your tangles and dream.

  63. Love crazy Huggins! You can fill it with goodies.
    Will have fun this evening tangling my last tile of the challenge.

    The mosaics that Alfie and Bijou created from all your gorgeous pieces is outstanding and inspirational. Thank you one again for the fun of these 12 days of 3zs.

    Wishing everyone at Zentangle HQ very happy Holidays!

  64. How beautiful. I can see that after the holidays, I am going to have to tangle a Green Man ZIA and feature Acanthus prominently in it.

  65. The entire Zentangle headquarters, I just want to thank you, ever so much, for this fun opportunity! I bet Allie and Bijou, would have some stories to tell, during these 12days.
    Even though it's been a busy time of year, tangling givesmeso much peace and calm and what a great way to end my day❣️
    I love you all and thank you sooooo much����

  66. It is exciting to finally be able to break something down into simple step outs especially a beautiful tangle like icanthis. I saw it posted alot on Mosaic recently from various CZTs but had to guess at decomposing and never quite got there until now. Now i can focus on refining the drawing of it and adding a little of my own style now that i'm more confident on the actual step outs. New tangles and step outs are like big events themselves as everyone gets excited to try them out and put their own mark on them. But when they are introduced alot with the biggest challenge of the year (the 12 days) it makes it even more memorable. Thanks Rick and Maria for sharing this with us!

  67. So many beautiful tiles! Interesting new tangle.

  68. I never thought I was ever going to get 11 tangled on one triangle. With each tile this skill gets better!

  69. I love the laciness of Icanthus. It is also fun to draw.

  70. Icanthis is fun! Yay for new tangles! This one has amazing potential for different designs. Then again they all do! :D

  71. I am really enjoying this new tangle, even though my results thus far are rather mixed. Thank you so much!

  72. What a great series of beautiful 3Z tiles! Thank you for the inspiration again!

  73. Icanthis is my favorite Tangle from ZenAgain. I love the organic and nature-like feel to it. So glad you added it to the 12 days.

  74. I am not the "flowery" type, but even I recognize the beauty and possibility in this new tangle. This is a lovely way to wind down the 12 Days.

  75. Love this new tangle. Can't wait to try it out.

  76. Icanthis is such a beautiful, new tangle! I know I will have fun using it on many future tile designs! Thanks for all your wonderful inspirations!
    gclub online


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