Tuesday, December 13, 2016

On the tenth day of 3Zs . . .

On the tenth day of 3Zs,
Bijou sketched for me,
Not so boring drawings . . .

Tangled auraknot-ings,
Perky pokeleafs peeking,
Dark and naughty knightsbridge,
Swirling molygon-ings,
Gold, glowing tipples,
Some marasu encircling,
Winsome bits of shattuck,
Fetching diva dancing,
And a tile full of tripoli!

Alfie is loving his up-in-the-air view. He says it feels like he is flying. He and Bijou insisted we move this marble carving and make it part of today's mosaic. We're glad they asked and didn't try to move it themselves!


Thank you all for continuing to play with these twelve days!

The hashtag for today's tile is: #10thdayof3zs

To see the guidelines for these 12 days, go here.

We will give out a prize for one randomly chosen poster of each day's tiles on the app and also for one randomly chosen commenter on each day's blog post. (We'll announce the winners shortly after the twelfth day.)

And here's drawings*:

We put out a newsletter today introducing today's and tomorrow's tangles. Both are new and we think you will enjoy them as you get to know them.

* Insider tip: We pronounce the tangle name "drawings" as "draw-Wings" fully pronouncing the "W". We smile every time we say it.

See you tomorrow!


  1. I discover your blog with great pleasure, thanks for the ideas and explanations

  2. This tangle is brand new to me!! How fun... and it's gorgeous! I'm going to miss this challenge so much!

  3. My Goodness! I didn't realize until today that I could participate. I thought we could only do it if we had the 3Z tiles. So I am jumping on this bandwagon immediately!
    Thanks for all the wonderful things you do to add so much fun and encouragement. You guys are great.
    Karen ❤️

  4. Finally!! I have been hoping that you will show drawings in the 12 Days of 3Zs.
    Thank you. You made so many wonderful tiles with drawings here. <3

  5. Beautiful tangle!

  6. Have been greatly anticipating seeing step out for this and other tangles introduced at Zenagain so am especially glad it made it into the 12 days of 3Zs! Now to see if I can be up to the challenge. It is so pretty as are all the tiles you've created here!

  7. What a wonderful new tangle, thank you for giving us always new inspiration!!!

  8. This reminds me of ferns. It should be challenging but fun to do

  9. My Zentangle art is taking flight with drawings. PS thanks for the heads up on how to pronounce this tangle. Smile...

  10. Hello again. I love Draw-ings! Such a beautiful tangle! I haven't had a chance to learn it before now, and I'm so glad I did! Thank you for it. Also, I think the deconstruction is brilliant. All in all, very cool, you guys!

  11. oh! this is just awesome! thank you for sharing the steps for Drawings. I've been trying to figure it out on my own since seeing it appear on various blogs and FB posts since Zen again.

  12. I'll "Just Wing It" today. Perfect.

  13. I'll "Just Wing It" today. Perfect. Jackie S CZT XIII

  14. The variations of Drawings on the tiles today is exceptional. The more I see of all the tangles done during these 12 days makes me want to get really creative, especially in my teaching. I thank you all so much for your creativity and sharing, especially during this holiday season. Flights of Drawings make flights of fancy so much easier! Happy Day ahead to all of you!

  15. Drawings is a new tangle for me and it so beautiful! The laundry will just have to wait because I need to try this now! Thank you!

  16. So lovely to have angel wings represented in the 12 days of 3Zs!

  17. These have been so fun and inspiring! Thank you. I look forward to seeing them each day.

  18. Esther Piszczek, CZTDecember 13, 2016 at 1:40 PM

    Beautiful wings!!

  19. New one for me. Making me stretch. :)

  20. Can't wait to try these two new tangles. Let me fly away.

  21. I just love this tangle...looks tricky but LOVELY!!

  22. A new tangle for the holidays! What a treat!

  23. Wauw, what a beautiful new tangle, takes time to draw it right i think....

  24. Draw Wings is one of the loveliest tangles I've seen. Maybe it will become a new favorite.

  25. Gorgeous 3Z tiles with Drawings! Thank you for this pretty tangle! Perfect time for it!

  26. I am having fun with this new tangle

  27. Oh, thank goodness! I have several students (im)patiently waiting for these step-outs, lol!
    They will be 'drawing' sighs of relief today 😋

  28. How fun that you're including new tangles. Drawings is particularly lovely. Y'all have really done a remarkable job of keeping interest high throughout the 12 days and continually adding new elements. Thanks!

  29. Drawings...OK. I'm going to take off now so I can fly!

  30. Lovely. Going to be one of those challenging tangles for me.

  31. I'm so excited to see the step outs for this new beautiful tangle I've been seeing on Mosaic! A perfect holiday tangle!

  32. a fabulous way to incorporate this lovely new tangle!!!

  33. What a bold but dainty tangle...and so versatile that it could be exotic bird wings or beautiful fern fronds. Will have to concentrate to begin with before it can dance off my pen. Very exciting. Thank you so much

  34. Drawings looks like fun. Will have a go at it with my students.

  35. I had so much fun drawing drawings! Love this tangle! I was able to share my tiles so far with my hubby in the care facility today and he had fun moving them around into different mosaic. Thank you for that blessing!❤️

  36. So inspiring and such a wonderful use of the 3Z's... PLUS a lovely reminder of being at ZenAgain !

  37. Thank you for posting all the beautiful work. I admire the skill and creativity so much. ❤️

  38. I can see why Alfie likes his high perch. The variations in Drawings are quite magical & when you examine the different images you'd not think it's the same tangle.......... there are no end of variations possible.

  39. I am so excited to try out the new tangles, what a nice surprise for the Christmas season.

  40. I love Drawings! I've seen it in CZT tiles recently and wondered about it. Really looking forward to playing with it! :)

  41. I love how you have shared the fun with Bijou and Alfie - glad they left the heavy lifting to you. Happy holidays.

  42. Wow! it really is about getting it into your hands and giving it a try. I will keep working on this DraWing!

  43. Amazing, every day! Thank you for sharing all your beautiful tangles! Merry Christmas to you all!

  44. When I was at seminar, I remember Maria saying "Any tangle can be used as a border tangle." Since then, I have tried to use each new tangle as a border tangle at least once. I especially like doing that with the unexpected. Really looking forward to my "self challenge" using Draw-wings. Tangle On.

  45. Beautiful new tangle.... can't wait to practice draWing it!

  46. This new tangle is gorgeous. Can't wait to try it out. I am really loving the 12 Days tradition.

  47. I am looking forward to trying the new tangle 'Drawings'! I love wings...and it will be fun to have a structured way to draw them. The mosaic from above looks fantastic!

  48. Loving the new tangle!! Can't wait to try it!

  49. Awww...Drawings, and I'm back at ZenAgain!

  50. This challenge has been so much fun! I will certainly be sad when it is over!

  51. Laura Carpenter CZT21December 13, 2016 at 11:02 PM

    Haven't tried this one yet! Looking forward to learning it:-)

  52. Enjoyed trying Drawings. It's a beautiful tangle!

  53. Perfect!
    Did not have this one in my collection anywhere, and could see getting some frequent flier miles out of it.
    We all have things we need to give wings about now, don't we?

  54. I absolutely love the "drawings" tangle! It flourishes. I picture the wings of an eagle....it is beautiful! Again, Alfie and Bijou have outdone themselves with their newest mosaic. This has been such fun. Thank you all.

  55. My first attempt....not so pretty but will try again as it looks beautiful!

  56. What a great new tangle. It's so elegant. I love it and will try it soon.

  57. I love all the tiles showing variations to drawings. Not sure if I will be able to add it with all the other tangles on one 3Z tiles, which was my original idea. I'll see how I go.

  58. Much to my surprise today's tangled piece flowed. It took some practice in my sketch pad to get the hang of auraknot but time spent was worth it. I had already spent time with Drawings so it was just a matter of where to place.
    This challenge has been so much fun. Each day I have checked the blog for the next tangle. When my grandson goes down for a nap, I get to play. Thank you for this wonderful opportunity.

  59. Drawings is so appropriate for the season. What a beautiful tangle!

  60. Better late than never, I finally catch up on this. I'm going to be busy with my 3Z tiles during all the small amount of free time my new puppy allows me. I can't wait!

  61. It is great that you shared the two new official tangles with us. I see lots of practice time in my journal this evening. Now if work just doesn't get in the way.

  62. Can't wait to try Angel Wings...awesome ♥️

  63. The mosaic is soooo beautiful. Love the new tangles.

  64. wow - today's is wonderful wonderful!!! MUST DO!!

  65. This just gets more and more amazing each day!

  66. Oh Wow! Love this new tangle and the tiles in the pix. And I think I'm lusting after the wing carving. That is just lovely!

  67. Drawings, as in Dramatic Wings, because they certainly are! They are lovely, and I'm looking forward to learning this new (to me) tangle.

  68. I just love Drawings! couldn´t stop drawing!

  69. Drawings...so beautiful and feathery! Looking forward to trying this one!

  70. I'm really loving both Drawings and Icanthis. I'm in Rome this year and my eye is very attuned to lovely curvy things. :)

    The new tile shape is delicious as well ...

  71. Very inspiring....I'm seeing angel wings. Will be trying this tonight.

  72. I love what you said in your newsletter introduction, about not making these new tangles look like yours but look like ours. So important and valid for so many areas of life - thank you!

  73. This is a beautiful tangle - I'm glad for the chance to practice it some more!

  74. So enjoyed this tangle Dra-wing! Only 2 more days to go!

  75. Such beautiful tiles tonite-love looking at them!

  76. This one is SUPER cool! Can't wait to try it out!

  77. L Smoke said...

    You have made something very pretty that others can make pretty too. I can't wait to use your "dra-wings" on a few ZIAs. It is the perfect fit, thank you!

  78. Nice new tangle-thank you for posting the step out!

  79. Although I'm still learning this one, I'm so glad I was able to see the step out so that i can continue to refine this one. Since it is so beautiful and so much thought went into the design and story behind it, I wanted to be able to do it justice. Now i'll have something to practice with over the holidays and develop other new compositions to use it with. Thank you Rick and Maria for sharing this one! Matt

  80. Drawings was fun to do. Love the name!

  81. How appropriate to include angle wings for a Christmas activity. Beautiful.

  82. Very fun and inspiring, thank you! Marjorie CZT 14

  83. Lovely, but I def need to work on this one more...

  84. I discover your blog with great pleasure, thanks for the ideas and explanations
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