Monday, December 12, 2016

On the ninth day of 3Zs . . .

On the ninth day of 3Zs,
Bijou tied for me
Tangled auraknot-ings . . .

Perky pokeleafs peeking,
Dark and naughty knightsbridge,
Swirling molygon-ings,
Gold, glowing tipples,
Some marasu encircling,
Winsome bits of shattuck,
Fetching diva dancing,
And a tile full of tripoli!

This morning we woke to find Alfie gently singing to Bijou as he worked at Maria's desk.

Bijou had found a typo on the page. (Maria had forgotten the second "A" in auraknot!) So Bijou woke Alfie to fix it.

We laughed as we listened to what Alfie was singing (to the tune of "Jingle Bells"):

Wabi-sabi, wabi-sabi,
Wabi-sabi all the way . . .

Bijou listened with tilted eye-stalks and (we can only presume) . . . a smile.

The snow storm last night must have inspired Alfie's mosaic:


Thank you all for continuing to play with these twelve days!

The hashtag for today's tile is: #9thdayof3zs

To see the guidelines for these 12 days, go here.

We will give out a prize for one randomly chosen poster of each day's tiles on the app and also for one randomly chosen commenter on each day's blog post. (We'll announce the winners shortly after the twelfth day.)

And here's auraknot:

See you tommorow!


  1. Esther Piszczek, CZTDecember 12, 2016 at 1:32 PM

    These are truly the most festive tiles yet! Congrats, ZT HQ, these 12 days continue to be inspiring, challenging, and fun. YAY!

  2. Love these tiles! Auraknot is a challenge for me so we'll see how today's tile turns out!

  3. Yes this one is a challenge. It should create lots of interest.

  4. I hope that everyone at Z HQ is having as much fun as Bijou and Alfie. This is certainly getting me into the holiday spirit.

  5. Oooh... how perfectly Christmas! Just wonderful!

  6. I agree, a real christmass pattern.

  7. This will be lovely.

  8. Beautiful tiles yet again, and the mosaics continue to be stunning. Off to work on my tile!

  9. That's an amazingly snowflake like mosaic & very apt with auraknot too. Alfie's very clever wielding such a big pen..............

  10. Love the appearance of auraknot when others tangle it, mine not so much, so will have a double challenge today....hoping not to get all knotted up! Loving Alfie's snowflake Mosaic -- so appropriate!

  11. Love auraknot as a Christmas tangle. With five points but not completely closing the center, turn the tile until you see a stable with manger appear!

  12. Bijou And Alfie are quite the team. I like auraknot with or without a second "A". :) Jackie CZT XIII

  13. Loving all of these posts and new challenges every day!

  14. I LOVE your 12 days challenge! I drew all of them until now, today I made two tiles because the first, with all nine tangles in it, was a bit too busy (choppy?) for my opinion. The second one , with only three tangles, is more relaxing.
    Thank you so much for your great inspiration!

  15. Still looking at the beautiful tiles you create with awe. So glad I found Zentangle 6 years ago, glad I'm able to teach and let others into the beautiful world of Zentangle. And looking forward to the 3Zs I ordered.

  16. I am going to take a nap with this new ninth day tangle knowledge...and let the patterns dance in my head and then see how they ask to be presented...Auraknot is a favorite!

  17. What a team Bijou and Alfie make. Beauty unfolds... as the mosaic grows... in the glistening snow...

  18. i just love this 12 days - i love Auraknot but REALLY have to pay close attention to not mess it up!!

  19. Laura Carpenter CZT21December 12, 2016 at 4:47 PM

    To auranot or not to auranot that is the question!! Brings me back to seminar once again:-)

  20. Wow! I wish there were more of me to do more Auraknot. Truly inspiring!

  21. Alfie and Bijou are hoots. I am really enjoying the 12 Days. This is the first challenge I have ever participated in. Tanks for making it so much fun.

  22. I love the wonderful book where every day a new challenge appears!

  23. Wow! Looking at this marvelous mosaic today reminds me of why it took me ages to start adding color to my tiles. There is a special quality to keeping with the Zentangle tradition that is missing from colored tiles. Colors are beautiful, but what u guys have here is extra stunning, and awe-inspiring. Pure creativity, and superb linework.

  24. Wow, Alfie has outdone himself with that beautiful snowflake arrangement. I wonder, though, if Bijou gave him instructions. If so, they've both done a wonderful job.

  25. Love Auraknot! This is gonna be fun getting all 9 patterns on one 3Z;-) that was the challenge I gave to myself;-P

  26. I love how all the 3z's are turning out, such beautiful tangles, and such a fun way to celebrate the twelve days of Christmas.

  27. Aura knot always a challenge for me but I love the result.The mosaic gets more beautiful each day.

  28. I love the aural, if only I can just get it right! Lol

  29. This whole "event" is so much fun! And so is Auraknot! :)

  30. A tangle perfectly suited to Christmas! And another beautiful tile. Looking forward to tomorrow's "gift."

  31. Auraknot is such a beautiful tangle, love it combined with the others.

  32. Inspiring, as always! I may have to create an Auraknot star for the top of my Christmas tree this year! Thanks for sharing!

  33. These tiles are gorgeous! And I agree the snowflake works well with Auraknot! Love the pictures of Alfie! He looks like he is enjoying his job! :)

  34. I need to practice on my auraknotting...I'm still clumsy with it. It's very nice to see how each tile has auraknot as a common, but the uniqueness of each is stunning and inspiring! Thanks so much for all you give to us. Blessings to all, especially Alfie and Bijou, for without them to inspire you, where would we be???

  35. This is all so awesome. Hope I have enough time to start a tile and finish by 12!

  36. Love love love! So much inspiration here - thank you so much for this series!

  37. Some really interesting takes on auraknot here -- thanks for broadening my perspective.

  38. I love the aural, if only I can just get it right! Lol

  39. Ooooh, auraknot! A new challenge.....

  40. I find this whole challenge so charmingly presented!

  41. I am having so much fun following the shenanigans of Bijou and Alfie...they make a great team!! I love Auraknot and the gorgeous tiles!

  42. This is so much fun! I won't be able to do my tile till morning - too much partying tonight, but I can't wait to add to my collection of 3Zs! Thank you for another fun post!

  43. Love the beautiful tiles! Auraknot is such a cool tangle. I had to look up wabi-sabi to see what it meant and found it to be real interesting. Must read more about it. Thanks for sharing!

  44. Another day of inspiration! Thank you!

  45. Great tangle for Christmas, and the whole thing is looking very regal and complex with all the brown and gold interspersed now.

  46. I just taught a class tonight with Auraknot. My 3Z tiles didn't arrive in time to use in class, but I gifted my students with 10 in envelopes with bows on them, underneath the tree. It made for a lovely Holiday class. I love seeing Auraknot used on the 3Zs!

  47. I take some comfort in knowing that I'm not the only one who makes spelling mistakes, lol!

  48. Wonderful 3Zs with Auraknot! And the mosaic is growing ...! Beautiful!!

  49. Wow. So many tiles. I love them all and I would like to see what you do in the end with 78 tiles.
    Your Auraknot variations are stunning.

  50. I love this one cause it can be done w/ a variety of shapes!

  51. So much fun! Can't wait till morning to see what is new! Bijou and Alfie must not sleep at night!

  52. I am lovin' this Challenge. Always fun to hear what Alfie and Bijou are up to...and seeing all the beautiful inspiration from ZHQ is pretty awesome too!

  53. Aura knot is one of my most challenging - thanks for the festive refresher!

  54. It's a comforting thing to know that even you, amid all that stunningness, can still make a tiny mistake!

  55. There are no mistakes in Zentangle!!!! LOL We always find a way to make it work! Thanks for reinforcing that for us Maria!!! :-)

  56. I used the auraknot in my Christmas card last year as a star in the center of a mendala. Very cool tangle, but it is tricky to do. Alfie is making some pretty impressive mosaics.

  57. Yep... auraknot is a challenge for me and, without this form of motivation, I might skip it which would be terrible because the more I work with this pattern, the more I enjoy it!

  58. Alfie looks very pleased with himself, both for the mosaic, catching the misspelling, and how beautifully he corrected it, like it never even happened.

  59. Loving the tiles. Aura knot is a big challenge for me!

  60. Looking forward to using auraknot. Haven't used it in a while. Thanks

  61. Still struggling with this tangle - thanks for including it - challenged me to face a tangle I had avoided for a long time.

  62. This has been very fun and enlightening. thank you

  63. I love this tangle even though it's hard for me to keep that pattern straight sometimes... LOL I also love how the book got fixed!

  64. Auraknot is a tough one for me.. don't have 3Z tiles yet so there is time to practice...

  65. So that is what Wabi-sabi means?! I just haven't been able to figure out why Alfie was singing it. LOL!

  66. I'm having so much fun with this, even though auraknot is a hard one for me. Thanks for the practice.

  67. One I need to practice more. Loving this the challenge.

  68. Yes this one is a challenge. It should create lots of interest.
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