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Thursday, December 15, 2016

On the last day of 3Zs . . .

On the last day of 3Zs,
Bijou showed to me,
huggins hugging huggins . . .

Wandering icanthis,
Not so boring drawings,
Tangled auraknot-ings,
Perky pokeleafs peeking,
Dark and naughty knightsbridge,
Swirling molygon-ings,
Gold, glowing tipples,
Some marasu encircling,
Winsome bits of shattuck,
Fetching diva dancing,
And a tile full of tripoli!

Alfie worked with Maria and Rick to arrange the book just where he wanted it. Then he told us to come back in an hour . . . well, maybe two hours. But it was worth the wait!

After those pictures were taken, Alfie asked us to remove the book from the table. He said that Bijou and he had some more work to do and once again, they sent us away.

When we returned, we saw that they had arranged all the tiles in order of each day!

As we said in our first day post, we will be sending out gifts. We will choose one person at random from each of the twelve day's blog commenters and we will choose one person at random who posted tile(s) the Zentangle Mosaic app for each day's hashtag. Each of those chosen people will receive:

We will do the choosing on this coming Saturday at noon eastern time (GMT -5) and we'll announce the 24 recipients in another blog on Saturday or Sunday.


Thank you all for playing with us for these twelve days!

The hashtag for today's tile is: #12thdayof3zs

For this last day we used a version of huggins that we call crazy huggins.

The elemental shapes of crazy huggins are:

  •  an orb and 
  • simple curve.

You may find these guidelines helpful as you explore crazy huggins:

  • Use an even number of orbs
  • Add curves using the principle of "take off and land"
  • Never cross one curve over another
  • If a curve is already connected to an orb, the next curve must connect in the same direction as the previous curve connected to that orb
  • You can add additional orbs anywhere and anytime
  • When adding auras, add it to the outer curve of the telephone shape (of two orbs and one curve)

Here's the step-out:

As our 12 Days come to an end, while we are sad to see it finish, the most wonderful thing has happened!

We experienced a true renaissance in Zentangle Art. It seems that all of a sudden we were witnessing tiles from around the world that seemed to explode with creativity.  They were 
so alive, interesting, personal, and spectacular. Everyone here noticed it. What happened to cause this? 

Well, it could be the season.  A time of joy, gratitude, giving, reflection . . . perhaps it was just time. It has been what . . . 13 years since we started what we call Zentangle? Word has spread around the world! People are enjoying the benefits of this simple method of putting pen to paper and sharing it with each other.

If you have not already,  please, see for yourself this "renaissance" on our "Zentangle Mosaic" app. (It costs nothing to just browse through the hundreds of thousands of tiles from around the world.)  We are so proud of all the artists who have allowed us (and you all) into their "portphonio" of Zentangle art.    The stories and descriptions from the artists and the comments from friends and other tanglers come together to create a world of love, support, teaching, learning and understanding. It is magic in the best way.

Congratulations and thank you to all who have participated both in word and/or art, to make this year's 12 Days series a gift for all.   Especially, to all of us at Zentangle Central.

'Til next year,   Our Best Good Wishes for a wonderful life.

Rick and Maria, et al


See you later this weekend!


Linda B said...

Yeah! I love Huggins! So sad that this is the last tangle.

Weaver chick said...

I love Huggins! Thanks for this fun daily challenge! I am looking forward to next year already!

Anonymous said...

So wonderful, that Huggins is a chosen tangle!
Can't wait for the next opportunity to draw. Here it is nighttime and time to sleep. Until tomorrow ����Barbara (@Baeste)

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas everyone! This has been one of the best challenges yet!! Can't wait to go play with huggins!! 🎄🎄🎄

Unknown said...

Perfect to end with a "hug"gins......the finale!

brenda shaver shahin said...

Oh my! I need to catch up! Still at Day nine! This is SO MUCH FUN! Love crazy Huggins!

Kathy Young said...

A very Merry Christmas to the whole Zentangle crew! You have mine merrier in so many ways~Thank you all so much 🌲🎅😊❤️

Unknown said...

Wow, another great pattern!

Lois Stokes said...

Sending you our Whispers of Aloha...Hugs to everyone...have a special holiday season.

Laura said...

Glad to see Huggins here to end up the 12 days. Hugs & Kisses for our Zentangle tribe all over the world. Merry Christmas!

Jess said...

Thank you so much for the gift of these 12 Days of 3Zs and challenging us to explore tangles out of usual comfort zones. It's been wonderful following along ... and even getting a chance to tangle some tiles every now and then. Huggins, here I come!!!
Happy holidays, everyone!

AndreaRoderiquezCZT said...

I'm crazy for some crazy Huggins. What a fun challenge this has been!

Conan Bolen said...

These triangle tiles got me in the zentangle mood.
I used to not do zentangle much but thanks to you it bought back the spirit.

Dolly Bolen said...

I taught my first class today with the 3Z tiles to the Conflict Resolution Centre today on
Edmonton Garrison to Military members and civilian employees which turned out great!
They all loved the 3Z tiles and this was my third time teaching on base at the CRC to
people who can use tangling in their lives!

Doveina Bolen said...

I like the triangle tiles a lot. They showed so much inspiration and originality.
I am looking forward to the zentangle mosaic app. I have always wanted this app ever since my mommy got it.

Kerry S said...

A tile explosion! 12 days of tiles definitely makes less mess than 12 days of birds and people and animals. A lot more manageable too, though I'm very impressed with how well Alfie and Bijou were able to keep everything under control. Though in the first picture, Alfie does look like he's about to get squashed by the bountiful tangles.

Sue Clark said...

Yay! Love crazy Huggins! Thanks so much for these 12 days of 3Z'S! I really enjoyed tangling each night and looking forward to my completed mosaic too! So much fun! Blessings to everyone at Z central! 😍

Unknown said...

I'm not done! Maybe it's the 19 days of Christmas. Wishing all of you the most joyful of holiday seasons!

PamS said...

I am going to get busy on huggins in a moment but for now I want to thank you all for a wonderful 12 days of delight and the lifetime of beauty you have shared and gifted to us all.

Unknown said...

Huggins!! What a lovely tangle to finish With! One of my Favourites! Thank you Maria and Ricky for everything you do for the Zentangle community. You've given me permission not to be perfect, taught me to think outside the box, and helped me create confidence in all aspects of my art! "Happy Holidays! " :))

BB said...

Thank you for the connection with you and so many talented tanglers through 12 days of 3Z's. I really like being part of this warm and welcoming group. Feels like family💕

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a lovely twelve days! Happy Holidays to all at HQ!

Laura Carpenter CZT21 said...

So sad as the 12 days to an end :-(. Had a great time trying new tangles and seeing everyone's wonderful creations. So happy to be part of this community ❤️

linesbylynn said...

I've been wanting to learn Crazy Huggins - so this is a perfect ending to a precious experience! I've really enjoyed seeing what everyone is posting!!!! Thank you so much!

AngelEggroll said...

for some reason, I knew the final one will be Crazy Huggins! haha....I am so enjoy tangling with you, thank you!!

Sara said...

Wow! That is a crazy pattern! I love it and I'm excited to try it out! I have really enjoyed these 12 days and I love seeing all the tiles together!

Laura said...

I've been checking back to the blog often today to find out about the final day! I have had so much fun participating in this project. It has been the impetus needed to make tangling time a daily priority...thank you!

Unknown said...

Great last tangle! Thank you so much for doing this !

michele said...

Thank you so much for all of the wonderful inspiration. I love Huggins!

Unknown said...

I have so thoroughly enjoy your year end celebration. People have created real beauty and inspiration. Thank you for organizing this opportunity for so many.

Unknown said...

Love Huggins and all the tiles!

MartyG said...

I am sad to see this end but very excited about crazy huggins! My favorite tangle. Merry Christmas. I have a few day to catch up on tomorrow. So glad I decided to take the day off.

Anonymous said...

For the last day of 3Zs huggins is a perfect choice. Jackie S CZT XIII

Anonymous said...

Magnificient! For me, the most magical element visually in the whole mosaic was the golden tipple -- brilliant, both for fitting with the song and for setting off all the rest of the tangling. But the real glory of it all is the grace, the beauty, the "zen" of zentangles which shines through all the tiles and all the days. Thanks for much for doing this.

Mamie Pennington said...

What a wonderful way for our twelve days to finish up! I'm not sure when I noticed it, but the last few days I have anticipated which tangle might be featured...you gave us the most beautiful clues on the square tile that was featured every day! I've found zen in just viewing all these tiles and especially the mosaics. Wishing you all many blessings and holiday happiness in the coming weeks.

Betsy (Ben Stein's Grandma) said...

What a wonderful way to end this fun and learning experience. Tis the season to make merry and you certainly did that for me. Thank you all and my very best wishes for the Merriest of Christmases and a Healthy and Happy New year.

Unknown said...

Huggins is a favorite. Love the chance to learn the crazy version.

Angelia Lanouette said...

I love Crazy Huggins...a new favorite! Thank you for an amazing 12 days of inspiration! Merry Christmas and big HUGs to all!

Esther Piszczek, CZT said...

And a Huge Hug to all of you, as well!!! Merry Christmas!! xoxo

trixie04 said...

I love the final mosaic. Great job, Alfie and Bijou.
I wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Cathrine Nicols said...

What a great tangle to end the 12 days. Fun to be a part of!

Linda J F said...

I'm sad to see these fantastic tiles end! Thanks for all the wonderful ideas and inspiration! You've given us ideas to be thankful for and exploring with, well into the New Year! Happy Holiday wishes to all of you at Zentangle headquarters!

Unknown said...

Have loved this series! And this new thing with Huggins is great! So much creativity! Such a blessing to see it all! So blessed to be a part of a community that shares so willingly!

Unknown said...

Wow this looks really effective I wish everyone a Safe and Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Cris said...

Thank you again for all of the beauty, humor, and love, not to mention gorgeous art you have shared with the world for the last 12 days. You are a blessing. Merry Christmas and all the best in 2017

禪繞畫與和諧粉彩宛儀 said...

"Crazy huggins" is cool

Danita Noland said...

It's probably for the best that this is our last day... I still have Christmas presents to make! I've been considering the possibility I might need a 12-step program to deal with my tangle addiction! 😊
Thank you for all the time and effort you put into this holiday challenge. I have so enjoyed it and I'm determined to finish #11 and #12 before I go to bed!

gobarb26 said...

Wow the Crazy Huggins is CRAZY! I am so sad that this is over. Now what am I going to do?

Wendy said...

They are all so very beautiful. What a wonderful way to play. Merry Christmas Zentangle family ✏️🎇 🎄🐫🐫🐫

Carol Graham said...

Another wonderful tangled-12-days draws to a close 🙁 I loved the first 12-days of ATCs. And last year I thought you outdid yourselves with Bijou's 12-days. But clearly you hadn't 'peaked' yet - so very fitting for Alfie and Bijou to build a beautiful mountain of a mosaic for the final day of this year's stunning 12-days.
A big thanks and Happy Holidays to you all!

Erin K said...

Ooh love Huggins! It is so pretty!! Crazy huggins is fun too!

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to the Zentangle family! Thank you all for your hard work and sharing your amazing abilities!

Debbie said...

I love Crazy Huggins! I can't wait to try it myself. Thanks for all the 3Z tile examples. It's been fun seeing what you come up with each day. Blessings for a happy holiday season to all of you at Zentangle HQ.

Donna F said...

And not just Huggins, but CRAZY Huggins. Huggins has been one of my stand-by tangles, and I really appreciate having this way to take it in a new direction. This is great.

Taz42 said...

Sad that the 12 days is over but it has been a wonderful adventure again this year. Thank you for sharing both the Zentangle method and your wonderful talent with us all! Merry Christmas!

jess c. said...

This is a new one for me. I started an ornament tonight using sine if the new designs I learned the last 12 days.

Jami Lawniczak said...

I hate to see the twelve days of Christmas come to an end. I wish your family an abundant holiday season!

Annette P.-L. said...

Crazy Huggins ... perfect tangle for the finish! I love the final mosaic a lot! Thank you for the "12 days of 3Zs". Merry Christmas an all the best in 2017!

Evy Browning said...

A 12 Days of Christmas Zentangle HQ post with sublime photography of Alfie's antics combined with a large mug of boiled water & huge chunks of 70-85% cocoa solids dark chocolate - what more could a girl want? Thank you for an added dimension of Huggins too.............. have a super Christmas all of you & Joyeux Noel Bijou.

Unknown said...

All these beautiful tiles! And the step-out for Crazy Huggins. What a perfect ending.

ria matheussen said...

I wish everyone of the great Zentanglefamily a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Thank you for giving us this wonderful challenge and this beautiful Mosaïec.
Take care, all of you!!! Warm regards from Belgium

Ellen said...

I loved seeing what you do nwith the 3Zs. Can't wait to have my order and start using them myself. And then save up for a smart phone so I can go and watch the art on the app.

DebM said...

Merry Christmas to all at Zentangle Central. Loved the 12 Days...the 3Zs...the mosaic..such fun and lots of inspiration. Thank you.

anotherid4me said...

love the inspiration & love the world wide connections!

Laurie Patterson said...

What a beautiful ending to a wonderful holiday treat.

Unknown said...

Love Huggins!!! thank you so much for this 12 days of Christmas!!!! i loved checking in everyday!!!

Paulette Kirschensteiner said...

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This was so much fun! And inspiring too! I shall miss you these coming days! I hope Alphie and Bijou
are able to get some sleep before Christmas! They sure deserve it! And Happy Holidays to all in the Zentangle family everywhere.

Sutsche Tangeleien _ Anja Ipsen said...

I love crazy huggins! Thank you for this wonderful tangle-time! It was a very special pleasure to take part in this journey! And I loved to see all the wonderful different very individual drawings - so much beauty, and smiles, and heart - so much Zentangle!
Thank you. And I wish your Family and your Friends and all around you :) wonderful christmas time and a good start into the New Year!!
Many greetings from Hamburg, Anya

Unknown said...

Thank you for all the inspiration these past 12 days! Sad to see it end. Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Thanks for all your creativity and positive energy - we could all use that this year! I spent all morning in bed happily looking through the whole 12daysof 3z and then went back to your past years. What a wealth of inspiration and beauty. I really do hope you consider making some kind of book or compilation of all of this Zentangle goodness one day. Happy Holidays.

Maureen Stott said...

Rick and Marie, Thank you for your inspiration and encouragement. Your tiles are beautiful, as always, and provide pleasure for the eyes! I appreciate that you share your talents, thoughts, and tiles with us all year long, and especially at this busy time of the holidays! Merry Christmas and a Happy News Year!

Unknown said...

Huggins has been a fave, since before I even knew what to call it. These are by far the most helpful step-outs I have seen. Also, I have noticed that something very special is brought out of everyone I see using the the new tiles. Maybe there's magic in triangles!

Ragged Ray said...

Thank you for the invaluable encouragement that this countdown has been - I'm sure otherwise I wouldn't have 'made time' to tangle even half as much as I have.

It's been fun too - very important in the world these days. To round off my partner and I sang our way through your version of the entire song - even bringing in extra vocal parts for our pets!

Best wishes for your festive season!

Unknown said...

Sad to see the end of 12 days. Enjoying another new tangle. At least to me.

Phyllis said...

Merry Christmas to all!!!! This was great--I really enjoyed the 12 days and wish it could continue. Thanks for all the creative designs and look forward to more. I plan to buy the triangles and make my own triangle setup.
:) :) :)

Linda F said...

Thanks so much, not only for 12 Days of beautiful eye-candy, but for the very special enduring gift you've given to all the world.
I'm going to miss Alfie and his sweet tales! Merry Christmas and a Very Happy New Year to all the elves at Zentangle HQ ... and peaceful blessings to all.

Andrea said...

A great 12 days of Zentangle trios. Love it!

Carmela said...

loved this 12 day challenge en gonna miss it. Thankxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Anonymous said...

Crazy Huggins to all of you at Zentangle HQ for a wonderful 12 days of fun and merriment. Thank you for the gift of Zentangle and Merry Christmas to all!

Joanne Harnagel said...

What a beautiful journey. Thanks for all the inspiration! Happy Holidays to all!

BRJ said...

Thank you for such a happy, glittering way to celebrate the season! Peace & joy.

JackieSaundersCZT19 said...

Great fun!!!!! Happy Holidays to all!!💕😘💕

NanW said...

Huggins is one I haven't tried yet.... can't wait. Thanks for all the fun and inspiration!

Lady Dragoness said...

I love the changing mosaics that Alfie created with the tiles. Arranging the tiles in chronological order was a great idea!

Natureluvr57 said...

Huggins is the best way to end.........Hugs to you and yours.

Linda Dochter, CZT said...

A salute to Crazy Huggins !

Marldy said...

I enjoyed the refresher with new spins on familiar patterns very much. Thank you! Marjorie

lilystangles said...

Thank you for great challenge and for inspirations.
Merry Christmas and greetings from Hungary.

Unknown said...

Thank you for the 12 days of inspiration and beauty. It was fun. Merry Christmas and a wonderful new year to all of you.

Unknown said...

I love Crazy Huggins. It is So organic, the way it grows. I think it's calling my name, too, crying out to be a mono tangle on a renaissance tile.

Unknown said...

Wow --- the 12 Days sure went fast, but the results are spectacular!
And just playing with shifting the tiles into shapes and patterns playing off each other is yet another form of creative zen meditation, isn't it?

Natasha Dash CZT said...

I'm so sad it is done! Thank you so much for sharing these 12 days with us! It was inspiring and really got me into the Holiday spirit and even more excited for CZT #26 in April! (I didn't think I could be any more excited...but here I am...EVEN MORE excited...lol). Happy Holidays!

Jennifer Sparrow said...

Thank you, dear Maria, Rick, Molly, Martha, Julie, Alfie, Bijou et al, for drawing us together around this virtual table for 12 days of magic. I love this community and wish you all peace and joy!

Jane Armstrong CZT 7 said...

This was so much fun. Enjoyed how everyone interpreted the challenge. Happy holidays to all!!

Unknown said...

Zentangle Central,
Thank you so much for this fun and exciting 3z challenge! So many more ideas with these fun lil 3 sided tiles!
Maria and Rick, thank you for sharing the gift of Zentangle with the world and bringing unity amongst so many nations☮️ Because of Zentangle, I have met so many wonderful new friends, clear across the globe! Thank you and I give my heartfelt gratitude❣️
What a beautiful and loving way to end this challenge,....... lots and lots of Huggins embraces!
Love to all, whatever end of the world your on🌎🌍🌏 Blessings of love, Joy, and Good Will 😘💕 Annette Carlo (The Art Zenter)

Unknown said...

I just wanted to say how much I love these 3zs. They have become my favourite tile of all. And I have loved this 12 days of Xmas. It was a very fun one to do!💕❤️💕 🌲

StarrSongTangler said...

Thanks so much for the opportunity to participate in the 12 Days of 3 Zs! I have loved creating the new tiles for each day.
Kathy Wright -Starr (StarrSongTangler)

DBS Studio said...

Thank you for the wonderful inspirations!

Jeanne said...

Such wonder at this special time of year. Grateful that you, Rick, and this art form have come into my life. Nearly two years ago, my daughter was in the hospital dying from Cancer that was brutal and fast. I can honestly say Zentangle saved me from losing my mind. I packed up my supplies everyday and took them with me to use while I sat next to her bed. While she rested, I tangled. Thanks to you & Zentangle, all my marbles are still in check! Merry Christmas! Jeanne Paglio

Linda B said...

What an amazing set of inspirational tangles!! thank you thank you

SADLOVE said...

I love Huggins! Thanks for this fun daily challenge! I am looking forward to next year already!
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