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Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day 12

On the twelfth day of Christmas
My true loves got from me
Twelve tangled placecards


Rick's Notes:
Molly made these placecards for our family Thanksgiving meal. And yes, for those who counted, there are thirteen placecards. It makes sense though. After Molly made twelve for everyone else, she needed one, too!

She used rubber stamp letters for the names and pasted a folded card to the back of each Zentangle ATC tile to hold it up.

Since there's always an elf on the twELFth day, Elf joined us for this photo shoot. When evening came, Elf lit the tree that Maria tangled from a black Zentangle Zendala tile.

(We'll show you how he did it in our next blog.)

See you soon!

Click images for a larger view.


Cheryl Kashtan said...

So sad the Twelve Days are over.Thank you for the wonderful inspiration and a peaceful, joyous holiday to all!

NanW said...

Thanks for showing all the beautiful tiles and the great ideas for using them

Paula (PEP) said...

I'm glad Elf managed to join in too - he looks ever so pleased with Maria's handiwork & obviously thought he'd add his own touch of magic to Maria's tree.
Have a super Christmas.
Paula (PEP)

Ellen said...

Thank you for all the inspiration you share so freely. Have a wonderful season and an amazing new year.

floweringmoon said...

I was fortunate to see some of those beautiful placecards up close and personal ~ and beautiful they are! Maria's lit tree is simply gorgeous :) Happy Holidays to all of you and thank you for sharing the 12 days of Christmas. Love them all!

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful 12 days! Thank you all so much. I can't wait to see how to make the tree! It's lovely, as are the place cards!

Unknown said...

I am amazed and humbled by this artwork. It never fails to inspire this "beginner Zentangler." Thanks so much and happy holidays.

Renata said...

You are spoiling us with these delightful daily posts!

Anonymous said...

I am loving this series. Thanks so much for sharing it with us.

Maryt said...

Each day has been beautiful!

Linda Fine said...

Every day of your special twelve days has been such an inspiration! Thank you all for your fantastic ideas and for sharing! Happy Holidays!

Suzanne Johnson said...

Twelve days of wonderful, inspirational ideas. Thank you!

Valerie said...

Twelve Days of ideas--I see another book on the horizon!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Cheryl C.

Mary Pennington said...

Thank you so much for the lovely inspirations over these past days! I've enjoyed reading about all of them and love all the artwork from each of you. Happiest Holidays to each of you, Mary

Tess Imobersteg said...

It was so much fun, anticipation and wondering what was on the next day. Thank you for the pre-Christmas treats. A wonderful blessed Season to you all. . . . Tess

gobarb26 said...

Oh, I just love Maria's lit tree! All 12 days have been fun as well as inspiring!

Unknown said...

I will miss this - so sad that it has to come to an end. I have really enjoyed every day of this series. Such wonderful ideas you have provided.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas!

Jan Brandt said...

Thank you, Zentangle Family, for the daily treats of inspired artplay and fantastic creations. It's my favorite Christmas present so far! It continues to amaze me that Zentangle is the last thing I think about before I drift off to sleep almost every night. It's lovely to drift off with a smile ... Happy Holidays to all of you at Zentangle headquarters and THANK YOU for your generous sharing of the gift of Zentangle. You've added a dimension of joyousness to the lives of SO many! xoxoxo Jan Brandt, CZT XII, Reno, NV

Dorian said...

Did elf take a selfie? These 12 days of Christmas have been such a treat. Thank you all for making this holiday season so much fun!

BeverlyBL said...

The place cards are so pretty. Not sure I know how to do that many tangles. This was such fun. Thank you all for doing this.

Julie said...

Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!

Librarianguish said...

Great idea! I plan on making little cards for coworkers... this is a great way to personalize them. Thanks!

Alycia said...

Yet another inspirational idea. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

Wonderful postcards, and the tree is adorable! Amazing work from you artists! <3

Mariët said...

Thanks for so much inspiration !
Love the cards, but also the festoon of day eleven !

luvhymns said...

The Twelve Days of Christmas have been fun to see all the creative ways to bless the family and home. Thank you!

sue said...

Delightful in every way! Really enjoyed the 12 Days of Christmas. Today friends and I are getting together to Tangle. My birthday was yesterday and when asked what I wanted to do with these friends for my birthday, Tangling was the first response. I'm inspired and ready to go! Thanks for sharing the numerous ideas.

Auburn Mom - Lynn said...

Thank you! Peace and Happiness to all this Christmas.

Tricia, CZT said...

The Twelve Days of Christmas series has been a blessing from Zentangle family! Thank you for your ongoing infusion of extraordinary inspirations, and for sharing your family spirit. Merry Christmas and love to all of you.

ps: that is a lovely little colorful tree in the middle of the place-card-arrangement. could you briefly list materials/technique used? thank you.

Kathy said...

Thoroughly enjoyed discovering the last twelve days of Zentangle. Thank you for such beautiful inspiration!

BJ Tuininga Fine Art said...

I have recently discovered Zentangles and LOVE LOVE LOVE your 12 Days Series. Brilliant concept. It now has my artistic brain flowing with ideas! Thank you...my BP and stress level is lower as I zentangle myself to better health!

Kelley Kelly said...

The series has been heartwarming and I love the glimpse into your lives.
Love to you all and a very Merry Christmas!


AlwaysInspired said...

These are wonderful! What a fun idea!

Rhonda Miller said...

These are great. What a fun idea for a party.

Didisch said...

What a pitty the twelf days are done. Every day I enjoyed your families creative ideas. And all just by the use of atc cards. Wonderful! Thanks for sharing this with all of us. I wish everybody a merry merry christmas and a wonderful happy New year!

Jennianydots said...

Makes me want to throw a party just to make these.

Unknown said...

SO Beautiful!!

Deborah Lee said...

You know what will be on my Christmas table (besides food) this year. And I thought I was all caught up on my holiday chores!! These will be great fun to do, however, and I can think of lots of other ways I can use them and for different kinds of events. Great ideas on all these 12 days. I can't wait to share them with others.

Unknown said...

These tiles are really special. What size are they? They look more rectangular than square.

tanda said...

What a fun 12 days to enjoy! Thanks and Merry Christmas!

Carol said...

What a fun 12 days! Thanks for sharing so many lovely ideas.

RitaN said...

Thank you so much for this amazing present - or rather twelve days of presents! Your Treasure chest of ATCs is a real treasure trove of inspiration and love! Thank you for sharing it with us!

Bonnie Piernot said...

I don't remember when I have had so much fun creating something this enjoyable. The possibilities are so endless. Your 12 days of Christmas just added so many more and will be fun to review long after the season is over. Thanks.

Unknown said...

Wishing everyone a Merry Zentangle Holiday and a Tangling New Year!

Leanne said...

What an inspiring twelve days this has been. Thank you so much for creating and sharing these.

lishamarie said...

Those would be prefect for my ugly sweater party! I better get started! Thanks for the inspiration!!

Corey said...

How special the guests named on these!

Terry said...

Thank you for such wonderful ideas!!!

Patti Euler said...

What an amazing 12 days! So creative.
Thanks for all you do for the CZT's. Your continued support has been invaluable.Warm holidays wishes to all of you.

Jungle Beads Maui said...

The creative wheels are turning now!! Mahalo!

DS said...

Excellent! I must do this for our Christmas dinner!! Thank you so much for all you wonderful ideas!!

lfd said...

Thank you for all the great ideas!

Cindy Blake said...

I am so sad that the 12 days are of. Such beautiful ideas. Will try each one throughout the year to use next Christmas. Thanks!

Anne Marie - Toronto said...

Ahh, place cards t last. I just knew these were coming! Thanks for all the inspiration and Merry Christmas!

Unknown said...

What a fun 12 days! I wish there were more days t then I would get nothing done!

Unknown said...

This has been a fantastic 12 days of Christmas but still think you should release a version of the team singing it. That would be really great. Thanks for all the ideas

Unknown said...

Beautiful...I see a late night designing some trees...thanks for the 12 days...after the hectic days of getting ready for the Holidays, Zentangling puts me in a peaceful place at the end of the day...Thank you and Happy Holidays to the whole family!

Unknown said...

I'm going to miss this daily dose of inspiration. Thank you so much for sharing your inspired imagination!

chaun said...

What fun! Zentangles are wonderful, aren't they?!

Unknown said...

Love these placecards!! I am currently working on table numbers for my sons wedding in January...so much fun! Zentangle works are so beautiful,I just wish I was more creative. Practice, practice, practice!

Nancy said...

Thank you for all of these wonderful ideas

Maryt said...

Love the place cards and the golden cards especially! Will need to get to work to make them up for Christmas Eve! What a gift of ideas you've given us!

Laura Francis, "Your Minimal Effort(tm) Guru" said...

I'm amazed, inspired, and delighted by all these special projects!

Bonnie P said...

Nice touch!

Dennie czt9 said...

Another neat idea. That elf gets around, doesn't he?

Taz42 said...

Thank you so much for sharing these wonderfully creative ideas. Happy holidays!

Bette Abdu said...

Merry Christmas
Doing all my comments at the end of the 12 days gave me a chance to review all the days at once. My Christmas spirit is in full gear.

Two Virgos said...

I'm so disappointed that there doesn't seem to be much Zentangle action in New Jersey! I'm in Mercer County between Princeton and Trenton and there don't seem to be any workshops or CZTs in my neck of the woods. I guess I'll just have to continue on my lonely self and virtually communicate with the online folks!

melanie said...

oh, they are gorgeous! Makes me want a sit down dinner instead of a buffet - but maybe tangled glass identifiers would be good too :)

jaspepper said...


Loved the 12 days of Christmas and all the designs.

Cathrine Nicols said...

12th day of Christmas should be much longer. Enjoyed the show. Thank you

Amy L. Smith, CZT said...

This has been so much fun! THANK YOU for sharing the 12 days of Christmas and all the beautiful artwork and brilliant ideas! Happy Holidays to all!!

BB said...

Oh my gosh, these cards are a fantastic idea - thanks to Molly for her creativity and for her thoughtfulness to others at work. I am inspired to do this, too. I cannot wait to see how the tree is done!
Blessings to all at Zentangle headquarters and to all those who have posted during this very fun 12 days:)

Unknown said...

That was a very fun and creative collection of zentangle awesomeness. Thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Wow these are so beautiful! I can't wait to see how the little lit tree was made!

Teri said...

These are very nicely done! I've enjoyed the 12 days of Christmas blog. I think I best subscribe to the blog so I don't miss any more interesting posts.

Shelly Beauch said...

12 days of
Z-esty ideas
E-nchanting effects
N-ifty drawings
T-reassure box of gems
A-wesome art
N-oteworthy designs
G-lorious creations
E-legant tangling

Thank you!

Eden said...

Perfect idea for the final day. Very beautiful.

Grace said...

These past twelve days were a blast and went by so quickly! I enjoyed all the creative ideas!

Anonymous said...

This has been an inspiring gift to see all these projects. I am revved up for tangling and Christmas.
Melissa CZT6

artgirl said...

This is so personal and special. Love it as I know it would be cherished by all who received them, and enjoyed by the one (me!) doing them. Thank you for this wonderful idea.

Nancy Roth said...

what a delight to see so many ways to display the ATC's. You are a constant source of inspiration!

Ginnyzz said...

Now I just need more time to try all these inspiring things!

Unknown said...

This was so cool! Really shows that the possibilities are endless!!

Chris Titus said...

Now everyone SING!

DJ said...

Great project

Unknown said...

What a finale! Love this idea. I was the official placecard maker for Christmas dinner at my Nana's for years. Thanks for restarting the memories!

Snazzy Doodle Designs said...

Oh that silly elf! Thank you for all the great ideas and inspiration. Hope you all have a wonderful holiday season

Anonymous said...

Wish there were more days to go, but the elf with his tree was a nice ending. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

So many beautiful designs and ideas for Zentangles! Thanks for the twelve days of inspiration.

Unknown said...

I love the place cards for Christmas dinner.

Unknown said...

Thank you for sharing all these great ideas. Can't wait to see what you do for New Years!

Diane CZT said...

Molly's placecards are not only beautiful, but a terrific idea. I am enjoying the twelve days of Christmas, thank you.

Hanneke said...

how did I manage to miss this series -what a great idea, an inspiration :)

Sue said...

I've been back to look lots of times. I just have to see them all when each new "day" is posted. How creative and inspiring. Merry Christmas to everyone.

Betty said...

So sad I just got my email no computor phone would not let me open blog bummer they were beautiful

SuBru said...

Every day I looked forward to the inspiring creations. Great idea, great ideas. Thanks!

Jennifer said...

My daughter does the place cards for Thanksgiving every year ... totally sharing this idea with her for next year. Thanks!

Barbara said...

I absolutely loved the 12 Days of Christmas Zentangle style! So inspiring! Merry Christmas and Happy new Year!

Unknown said...

Thank you for such a beautiful and clever series!

Anonymous said...

Your "Twelve Days of Christmas" has been such a gift to all of us. Thank you so much for the inspiration and the how-to-tips. Merry Christmas!

TToon said...

Love all of your wonderful ideas!

Ashley said...

Thank you for all of the ideas and examples! I'm still an early Tangler, but am looking forward to continuing my practice.

GinnyAZ said...

This has been so much fun to watch from day 1. Thank you for sharing your excitement and joy! Blessings of the holidays to you and all!

Unknown said...

What a cool idea. I just wish I had come across Zentangle earlier. Oh well, just have to get a jump start on next year. Thank you for sharing.

ElizabethCan2Tangle said...

I finally figured out how to get to this blog and to comment--today--that's why all mine are on this date. I have spent the last hour looking and reading and looking. Thank you Maria & Rick and all you Commenters. you've all made it a warm-the-cockles-of-your-heart, and get-your-inspiration-fires-burning fantastic morning for me.!

stancak06@yahoo.com said...

These are stunning!

Suzanne said...

Love these!

Annika Wiener said...

Finally the last one!
It has benen like the childrens Christmas calendar, where they open one window every day, from December 1st till the 24th.

THANK YOU SOO MUCH for the lovely ideas and tangles.

I wish I could visit you one time and join the Zentangle Teacher Course.

LOTs of love,
Merry Christmas!


Opal Carew said...

These will look so nice on the holiday table!

Laura Jahr said...

Dear friends at Zen Tangle-- I just want to say that I love all the creativity and art that all of you are making. Going to one of your seminars is on my bucket list of things to do. I love the whole tangle idea and practice a little on my own. I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a creative New Year. Laura

Susan said...

These could be done very quickly.

Unknown said...

Aw! Love the elf, the tree!!!! and of course, the sweet name cards. Bravo to all who contributed to the magic for the twelve days.

Jen - just Jen said...

I love this idea!
I learned about Zentangle just about a month ago and I just can't get enough of it!
I'm having a great time drawing and playing. I hope to get good enough to make a piece of Zentangle art for all my family during the next year...lofty goal to be sure.

Thank you for your continuous posts, I'm learning a lot from all of you talented people.

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting so much creativity! I know I'll keep coming back to these 12 days for inspiration. LOVE the antique button display and the five golden things with the gold gouache. Oh, I just love them all! So clever. Must be a fun work environment over there at Zentangle Headquarters! Merry Christmas!

Barb Round said...

Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night!

Hope you all have a lovely holiday.


Unknown said...

This must have been a beautiful table! I love the placecards!

Faith Cohen said...

What an enjoyable series. Happy holidays to your family. :-)

Unknown said...

Finally able to check out my RSS feeds once again since computer troubles. Happy Holidays to all the team. Missed this whole twelve days gig. Oh well.

Aimee ("M-A") in Sutton

Unknown said...

Know you have 1,000's of comments. Can't begin to express how much I gain out of what you both have created & share with so many all ovver the world! If I could tangle all day, I would. Thank you, thank you, thank you for helping me through some difficult times that result in joyeous times! Merry Christmas!

Carolyn B said...

You continue to inspire me with your love expressed In these stunning gifts.