Welcome to BLOG Zentangle. To learn about Zentangle, visit our website, read our free newsletters, take a class with a local Certified Zentangle Teacher (CZT), and best of all . . . create your own!

Friday, February 23, 2007

Getting ready

We're setting up blogs and Zentangle image sharing.

Check out www.zentangle.com


Stephanie Fischer said...

Hi there. I received my zentangle box set from my sweetie at Christmas. I love the concept and beauty of the art produced. I just got around to actually experimenting with it. I have posted my results on my blog missrosieswisdom.blogspot.com and also put a direct link to your site in the post and then in my favorite places....Looking forward to your blog.....Hurry up.....Rosie the wildwoman

Molly said...

Zentangle is like a sibling to me ... Blogging already. How exciting! It will be so interesting and inspiring to see what others are creating from this amazing art form. A new language for people to communicate with.

carol l mckenna said...

Love Zentangles ~ so meditative~ I have some on my blog which is http://artmusedog.blogspot.com
Thanks so much for putting this concept together~ Namaste,Carol

Smalltown Girl said...

I'm very excited to have a blog to reference while I'm zentangling. Lovin' life

Quilt knit said...

Glad to see this is up and running. I am sure you will be connecting to FaceBook and Twitter soon.
This is wonderful.

Sandra Strait said...

This is fantastic! I'll be looking forward to your posts. I do have a blog: http://lifeimitatesdoodles.blogspot.com/

Marthann's Musings said...

Hello, I am hooked on Zentangle. I got my kit about 9 months ago, and now it seems that is all I want to do. Glad you got a blog up and going. I just did the same.