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Thursday, May 7, 2015

Welcome Seminar 18 CZTs!

We wish to welcome and introduce to you the 18th class of Certified Zentangle Teachers (CZT) who recently came to Providence, RI from 16 countries around the world . . .

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • China*
  • Ecuador
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • Japan
  • Malaysia
  • New Zealand*
  • Oman*
  • Singapore
  • Spain 
  • Switzerland
  • Taiwan
  • UK
  • USA
* New countries!

This blog post is a companion to this newsletter so that you can enjoy the newsletter images a bit larger.

You can find a CZT in your area at this link.


With best regards,

Rick and Maria


Jane Reiter said...

Wonderful and inspiring! Thanks for sharing!! Jane #10

Yvette B. said...

The Zentangle collaboration is amazing. I love the way it came together as a star. Congrats to CZT#18.

Sabrina Berndt said...

I was a part of this #18-story and enjoyed every minute. I had to fight with jetlag (and a little bit of homesickness), but I found a home away from home. I met wonderful people and took home big treasures: In my head, in my bag and in my heart. Thank you from Berlin and Sabrina

Genevieve said...

My favourite part of the CZE seminar recaps is to see all the wonderful ZIA artwork that students bring.

wan-yi, Lin said...

a wonderful Zentangle experience