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Friday, September 16, 2011


Inspired by her memories from ten years ago, Laura Harms' Weekly Challenge #39 is Love is All You Need.

Maria writes:
There is always that glimmer of LOVE when you are looking for it . . . be it family or friend, community or country.

Click image for more love.


i am the diva said...

sigh... this is stunning. :D

Carole Ohl said...

I love that the heart is in the center of what looks like a 'community' of pokeleaf. Sometimes we have to go deep for that glimmer. Beautiful.

Sue Clark said...

Beautiful glowing heart in a nest of pokeleaf...lovely!

Lois Heinani Stokes said...

Such Beauty...

Margaret Bremner, Artist said...

Absolutely delightful! An uncovered treasure.

young-eclectic-encounters said...

So glad to have found your blog, I am new to zentangle but love doing it. This one is truly lovely
Johnina :D

Shelly Beauch said...

A glimmer, a glow, a nest of gloriousness!

carrie ott said...

So I am oooing and ahhhhing over your tangle and I say out loud, "How does she DO it??? Her tangles are always so amazing!!!" And my 18 year old son, borrowing the tune from that Sound of Music song that the nuns sing, breaks into song: "How do you make a tangle like Maria.....?"

Mariët said...

Very very Beautiful!

Jane Monk said...

Ah huh ... yep you got it! Beautiful Maria!

BlueRidgeWoman said...

Stunning is the first word that came to my mind, too. How profound that love is often nestled in a hidden place that we might miss if we don't pull back the leaves and look for it. Thank you, Maria. Your tangles always take my breath away!

CropStop said...

WOW! Simply stunning

Louvebleue said...

Fabulous !!!

Cris@TangledUpInArt said...

Can I just say "ditto." I love the fact that you can take something so simple and make it so profound. Definitely put this in your book!