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Monday, December 9, 2013

Day 7

On the seventh day of Christmas
My true love got from me
A seven-finned Fan-tangle


Rick's Notes:
That button was from my grandmother's sewing box. Maria used an awl to punch a hole through the layers of tiles large enough to push the button's shank through.

She attached it with the same clevis hairpin that originally held the button on its display card. You could also use a paper clip.

Click images for a larger view.

See you soon!


Tess Imobersteg said...

Just love the impish eyes peeking over the fan. Very sweet idea. Go, Maria!!

Anne's tangle blog said...

Lovely!!!! What a great idea.

Renata said...

What a jewel of a fan-tangle!! Gorgeous.

Kikithebookworm said...

Love it!

Ginnyzz said...


Ellen said...

Wow, I want one! Have to save it for tomorrow, but then i will make myself a very elegant Zentangle-fan!

Candii said...

Now that is a truly clever little fan. I can't wait to make some... (off to dig through my craft supplies)

Suzanne said...

Very creative! Love the fan idea.

Anonymous said...

Clever and beautiful! I love the fan too!

erblair said...

I wish I had seen these months ago! Not enough time til Christmas this year to try them out! Lovely! Will give me something to try for next year!

Cheryl Kashtan said...

Fantastic-no pun intended. I have done fan cards but never thought of the Zentangle idea. A crop-a-dile or 7 Gypsies bindery punch might make it easier than an awl for some people, especially if there are hand problems like I have.

MandyB said...

There are endless possibilities. I love it all!

Anonymous said...

Maria, You look fabulous! Great and fun idea! Might have to whip one up for New Years Eve!

enovel said...

Loving it....Merry Christmas to all!

Unknown said...

Interesting concept! Thanks for continuing to share. I look forward to seeing what you come up with next!

Theresa Merkling said...

What a lovely way to share my tangles! Thanks for the inspiration! PS - that new treasure box is FAB! Great idea!

erblair said...

I wish I had seen these earlier in the year! Now I'll have to wait til next year to give these as presents. I better get started.

Didisch said...

Must be relaxing wind coming from this fan :). Great idea to make such a fan with different tangle patterns as step out cards.

Anonymous said...

stillworking on getting to a czt - time and money - however, we just love zentangle and hope to be ordering ourselves a christmaS giftvery very soon. been experimenting on our own from the diagrams in zentangle 1 and in the newsletters. thanks for your inspiration, talent and dedication. karenb/fredw

Dorian said...

Very clever, I am a big fan : )

Becky R J said...

So very beautiful!

Mary said...

I love the gold on black. I've used a gold pencil for shading but haven't found the perfect gold pen.

floweringmoon said...

Very unique, and besides all of the lovely tangles; I just love the button! Beautiful piece :)

Barb F said...

Such a pretty fan!

Duane Anderson, BA CZT (971-235-6672) said...

Wow. That's quite a different kind of fan than I have ever seen. All that tangling on the cards kind of catches ones attention. Nice work, gang.

tdbbears said...

I love this activity for a way to empty my mind and I have enjoyed the products that I have already purchased from this site. High quality and a lot of thought has gone into the presentation of their products.

I am amazed at the postcards that Rick and Maria have designed and shown in the Day 8 blog, they are stunning pieces of work!

To win the Treasure Box would be wonderful but whoever does win it will be a very lucky person!

Nancy S said...

That fan is beautiful! What a beautiful gift!

Patricia L. said...

Another creative twist: I'm so impressed with the quantity and quality of your artistic ideas! Thanks for setting an example for honoring and honing the powers of imagination!

Kathy said...

That's a fan-tastic fan-tangle!

Unknown said...

What a lovely treasure! A touch of vintage with Zentagle flair!

Rhonda Miller said...

This is gorgeous.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous! Cheryl Cianci :)

Unknown said...

This is so absolutely beautiful. Thank you and your twinkling eyes.


BeverlyBL said...

I love each "blade". Beautiful alone or together. A couple of the patterns look 3-D to me. Very interesting. I can only hope to be 1/3 as good at this as you are. I think my brain doesn't doodle, but wants to.

Dawna said...

Fantabulous! I'm loving this series!

Unknown said...

I love the fun expression on your face, Maria. Isn't it great how happy and delighted we feel when we create? Thanks so much for sharing your clever fan.

Hebe said...

Love it

Deborah Lee said...

Now I know what to do with all the neat buttons from MY grandmother's button box. Love your flirty look too!

Amy L. Smith, CZT said...

Speechless, once again! That fan is simply amazing!

Mary Pennington said...

I love fans! Thanks so much for this clever idea ;-)

DS said...

This is lovely!

Diane Wright, CZT said...

I loved all these ideas and can't wait to see the rest. They have been so inspiring.

Gail said...

Love it!!! The ideas just keep coming.

Auburn Mom - Lynn said...

I'm a fan of the fan-tangle!

Unknown said...

cute idea. Love the designs and things on the cards

Julie said...

I like that you upcylced the old button.

Carol Graham said...

That button is absolutely the perfect compliment to your Fan-tangle. Simply FANtastic!

joann said...

Brilliant, love this fan idea.

Holly {ha! designs} said...

Absolutely beautiful! I love the idea of adding little sentimental treasures to holiday decorations.

Anonymous said...

The fan is awesome, and I love the buttom embelishment.

Paula (PEP) said...

It's lovely to see the old buttons & other little treasures incorporated into something that can come out every year as a memento of the Seasonal celebrations. It's beautifully in keeping with your family tree too.
Paula (PEP)

Mary said...

I love the fan idea. The button just sets it off perfectly. Love, love all you do.

ZenniaTangle said...

The vintage button is lovely. I collect them and I am always looking for project ideas for them that do not require removing the shank. Removing the shank devalues the button and limits its future uses. This fan is so lovely. Rick's grandmother is smiling down on this one.

Unknown said...

What a wonderful way to connect to our grandmothers. The color contrast is intriguing!

Unknown said...

Beautiful, as well as super creative! What "shape" are the tile?

Mel said...

I placed the beginners kit on my holiday wish list for hubby and pretended not to see the return address when a box arrived. I can't wait to learn how to do this! Happy Holidays and warm greetings to you and yours!

Mickey Weitsen said...

Such a clever use for an antique button that deserves a very special place...you found it!

Tina Maria F said...

Am enjoying the twelve days holiday blog series. So many fun ideas

Alycia said...

Love the fan...

Christina said...

What a beautiful fan tangle and I love the button, well done.

gobarb26 said...

Cute, cute, cute! A lovely fan tangle. Would love to have that!

Sophia Lightfoot said...


Linda said...

Wherever Rick's grandmother is I think she is smiling and saying, "what a clever pair those two are."

Corinne in Forks said...

These ideas just get better and better...

Linda Fine said...


Heather said...

the fan looks like a fun project. The ornament in the lower left of the tree, does it have a tangled frame? very nice what I can see.

Suzanne Johnson said...

What a beautiful idea!

luvhymns said...

Neat idea..... Creativity abounds!

Daniele OBrien Design, CZT said...

What a Fabulous Fan Tangle. Love it!

Mackin-Art said...

This fan is very inspirational - lots of ideas swirling through my brain!

Sue said...

Wow! Now this really appeals to my creative side

Kris N. said...

Each idea is more wonderful than the previous day's and far more original than the usual Christmas magazine crafts. Thanks so much, Kris N.

Jennifer said...

So fun! Would look cute propped open on a bookshelf.

Carla said...

My daughter would love a Zentangle fan. Very cool.

Unknown said...


Esther Piszczek said...

Lovely, Rick! I love the personal touch of the button. So sweet!

crotnem said...

Again, I'm in awe of the ideas that you come up with.

AlwaysInspired said...

Such imagination! I love the use of black and white!

Carol said...

My favorite so far, I love fans!

tanda said...

Oooo...I love it!!

Corey said...

My grandmother saved buttons also! Love!

Jennianydots said...

Just lovely

Cindy Blake said...

What a great idea! I, too, have a grandma button box. Don't all grandmas

Terry said...


IwonderWhy? said...

That fan is a great creation and wonderful to look at!

Cindy Blake said...

What a great idea! I, too, have a grandma button box. Don't all grandmas

lfd said...

Cool idea!

Anne Marie - Toronto said...

Another clever idea and I lust after the vintage button!!

lfd said...

Great idea.

Jungle Beads Maui said...

ok...I think I deserve something just for being able to decipher this crazy code at the bottom.

Unknown said...

I don't think I have time to work....I just want to do the 12 days of Christmas projects!

Unknown said...

what a wonderfully creative idea!

Nancy said...


Laura Francis, "Your Minimal Effort(tm) Guru" said...

Another stunning item!

Bonnie P said...


Dennie czt9 said...

How do you come up with these neat ideas, and all the wonderful embellishments? So cool! Thanks!

Taz42 said...

I am running out of time to try all of these ideas. I guess I will have to pick and choose my favourites ... what a difficult choice.

Bette Abdu said...

Fan-Tangle - super!

Jan Brandt said...

Sooooooo lovely, Maria! Elegant, rich color, distinctive. Another unique project to try AFTER the holidays. =)

melanie said...

oh, this is so clever!

Cathrine Nicols said...

Almost makes a hot flash worth it! Pretty.

Unknown said...

So beautiful! And so unique!

Teri said...

Love it, so very elegant!

Eden said...

Lots of possibilities with this one... I can see a different 'reason I love you' on each card as a gift to someone.

Anonymous said...

There is something so victorian about your fan. Can't wait to make one. I have the perfect button too.
Melissa CZT6

Nancy Roth said...

love the pun...a "fandangle " is a fantastic ornament. and your "Fantangle" doesn't fall far from the tree! :D

Unknown said...

I love it! the button is a true stroke of genius!

DJ said...

Very cute!!

Snazzy Doodle Designs said...

Ooh, I think this is my favorite idea yet!

Unknown said...

What a neat idea for the fan. My friends and I in Las Vegas can surely use these in the hot summer sun.

Unknown said...

I want one!

Sue said...

Fans could be a great way to store samples - different fans for different concepts. (dot grids, grids, freehand etc) xx

Anonymous said...

Oh my!!!! This is so gorgeous! That fan is a work of art. I feel like Veruca Salt in Willy Wonka, " I don't want just any squirrel, I want THAT squirrel!" Substitute "fan" for "squirrel"!

Unknown said...

Love the button idea! Of course the cards are incredible!

Ashley said...

Ok...this is seriously cool!

ElizabethCan2Tangle said...

I, too, LOVE that you incorporated a button from your Grandmo's sewing box. It is like she is still sewing love into your family members' lives. And it offers such a great opportunity to honor her by telling her story. Mozel Tov!

ElizabethCan2Tangle said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Claudia said...

Absolutely LOVE the fantangle. What a great idea.

Opal Carew said...

So pretty! I love the idea of the button.

Susan said...

What a great idea for a gift.

Marva Plummer-Bruno said...

this is soooo cool!!!

Maxine said...

I use a fan all the time, yes a new inspiration for me, thank you.

Unknown said...

This is so beautiful! Love the use of your grandmother's button!

Unknown said...

This would be great to use as a teaching tool, maybe all in monotangles. but what an elegant ornament.

Pumpy said...

Beautiful, so creative love it.
Compliments of the Season. xxx

Anonymous said...

Lady Luck said "It's all in the cards". Boy was she right!