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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Day 9

On the ninth day of Christmas
My true love got from me
Nine hand-y tangles


Rick's Notes:
Maria tangled these Zentangle ATC tiles as borders to frame pictures. Instead of pictures of faces we decided to do hands. Well, that led to taking pictures this morning of the hands of everyone here today - Mary Lou, Sue, Martha, Molly, Maria and me (and more) - and then some Photoshop® fun!

I took the pictures at tea time. Every day we stop work around 10 am and have a pot of tea with our traditional toasted rice cakes with butter, salt and pepper.

Today Sue brought in some tiny tangerines as an added treat!

Click images for a larger view.


Zachary said...

I love them! I could even see this being a physical collage, cutting hands out of magazines and gluing them into the tangled frames. I love the idea of tea time - may have to incorporate this into my daily routine!

Unknown said...

Another great idea. It has been fun to see what you will do next

floweringmoon said...

The frames are gorgeous. It's hard to pick a favorite!

NanW said...

Every day just gets better. Love looking at all these tangles.

gwmaroons said...

I've been good this year and with Zentangle I've also had fun and relaxed. I hope Santa comes to see me.

Wanda S said...

What a treasure trove of Zenspiration!

Renata said...

Very hand-some looking tiles, indeed!

Unknown said...

Putting my hands together for this project! <3

Linda Fine said...

What a "hand-y" new idea for tangling! Thanks for sharing!

Maryt said...

I really like the coffee mug!

Anonymous said...

So clever! Cheryl C. :)

gobarb26 said...

I must give you a hand for your fantastic ideas!

Deborah Lee said...

I can definitely see using this with some of my photographs, although I'll use flowers instead. Our tea time is before bed with a couple of cookies and some herbal tea.

Valerie said...


Ginnyzz said...

These are all great! Love to see what comes next!

BeverlyBL said...

Very cool! Thanks.

Julie said...

Clever idea!

Suzanne Johnson said...

This would be a fun idea for the holidays--hands making cookies or wrapping gifts or hanging ornaments!

Anne's tangle blog said...

This must have been a lot of fun!!!

Francie said...

These are unbelievably cool. WOW!

Alycia said...

Another great idea... love the last frame. I have to say that one is my favorite.

Shelly Beauch said...

Happy hand-y tangles making me smile!

Paula (PEP) said...

I can see you're having an amazing amount of fun. I think I've identified the 'ink' stained hand as Maria's??
Thank you for all the inspiration these are giving - I sat just enlarging & marvelled at the borders you created outed of various different tangles.
Paula (PEP)

Anonymous said...

To much fun!

Melanye Narcarti said...

OMGosh!! You guys are so talented!! I LOVE these, especially #1. I have Photoshop, too. I will play with this idea now!

Auburn Mom - Lynn said...

You are all amazingly creative. I will be disappointed on the 13th day when this stops!

Rhonda Miller said...

Wow, these are very creative. TFS.

Ellen said...

another great idea! Thank you.

ZenniaTangle said...

Beautiful & intriguing photos!

Amy L. Smith, CZT said...

What a perfect way to frame tea at ten!

Kris N. said...

What fun! Looks like a little Christmas giddiness has set in providing us with a lighthearted start to the day.

Esther Piszczek said...

What a FUN place to work you have created!! I love these whimsical little delights. Playing with zentangle is such FUN! Thank you for sharing!

Noreen said...

These handy tangles have tickled and delighted me immensely! Thanks so much!

Mackin-Art said...

May I give you a hand?!

We also have daily tea time, around 4ish.

crotnem said...

That was just such a clever way of showing the hands! Love it.

Mariët said...

Amazing !

RitaN said...

Just looking at these little treasures is about as relaxing as actual tangling! Or I should rather say - contemplating, it's so much more than just looking :) basking in the inspiration! Thank you for this beautiful present!

luvhymns said...

Simply HANDsome!

marilyn said...

love the beaded heart

Cheryl Kashtan said...

What handy gift since we are so expressive with our hands in so many ways, not just Zentangle!

Didisch said...

Gorgeous frames nice handouts :)

Dorian said...

A handful of talent and creativity!

Jane said...

How fun!

Mary Pennington said...

Great idea to use frames on a theme! I can see ocean waves and sand castles. Wonderful ideas :-)

Anonymous said...

I have to " hand " it to you for creativity!!!

Tess Imobersteg said...

ok, this is all getting out of hand! Love it.

Kathy said...

So clever, love them.

AlwaysInspired said...

I must try some tangled frames! They would lovely gifts!

Carol said...

Now I want a cookie!

Jennianydots said...

Love the henna hand!

tanda said...

Hehe...I always enjoy a theme.

Jungle Beads Maui said...

Great collection!

CMS Designs said...

You are amazingly clever!

Terry said...

I love these too!

Cindy Blake said...

I have tangled cards that have the frame around it to insert a pic. Everyone ends up framing them.

lfd said...

It would be "handy" to have those around...

DS said...

Love this - so beautiful!

Anne Marie - Toronto said...

I'd like to see them framing tea cups! Or how about chocolates?

Unknown said...

FUN! I think of you all almost everyday at 10 :-)

Unknown said...


Nancy said...

So clever...

Laura Francis, "Your Minimal Effort(tm) Guru" said...

A delightful collection and very creative idea!

Bonnie P said...


Dennie czt9 said...

Love every day so far! Very cool ideas. I need a class in Photoshop!

Taz42 said...

Zentangle and Photoshop. Heaven!

Bette Abdu said...

The frames and the unique pictures are enchanting.

Jan Brandt said...

Perhaps someday I will fly back to MA JUST to join you for tea! =) This post brought forth smiles and chuckles as I scrolled to see each photo. Zentangle lends itself so naturally to framing. Your creativity just delights me!

melanie said...


Cathrine Nicols said...

One word ....WOW!

BB said...

Very interesting. I love the dimension that shading brings to Zentangle, but it's taking some time for my brain to take these 3d images in! Another opportunity to think outside the box ;)

Unknown said...

Ooooh! These are some really cool, illusions! I can't wait to make one!

Teri said...

Clever! I love the peace sign one the best!

Eden said...

These are all great border tangles. They would make great frames around antique photos.

Nancy Roth said...

I gotta hand it to you...you have outdone yourselves with these atc's

Chris Titus said...

My favorite so far.

DJ said...

Wow what an unique idea to frame hands. Love it

Unknown said...


Snazzy Doodle Designs said...

These are beautiful frames. They turn very whimsical with the hand photos

Anonymous said...

Love, love, love this idea!

Unknown said...

I love these frames.

Unknown said...

I love the frames. Wish I worked there you seem to have a lot of fun!

Sue said...

Mmmmm Interesting..... xx

Unknown said...

I am glad it is photoshop, I was about to be discouraged at your excellent, realistic drawing of hands. Such a cool ideas, though!

Jennifer said...

What a fun project! So many ways to go with this ... pics of grandkids' smiles would be a fun gift to give to grandparents!

Unknown said...

Crazy fun idea!

Ashley said...

This first one is my favorite, reminds me of Escher.

ElizabethCan2Tangle said...

You guys are amazing to me!!!! I especially like the one with the hand and cup--pretty cool photo effect. Thanks for all the tangle inspirations.

Unknown said...

Wonderful ideas and fun!!!
It is so interesting to hear that toasted rice cakes with butter, salt and pepper. My Japanese mind never thought about this combinations. I should try this!

Annika said...

Fascinating idea!

Lovely to try them and the outcome is really nice!

Opal Carew said...

Love the 3D effects!

Susan said...

Ha, ha. That just opened up a whole fount of ideas. Our hands as art objects. Already have the wooden hand on my must have list.

Barb Round, CZT said...

Hand-some frames, indeed, and the real hands inserted are so playful. Now I need a whole new set of skills in Photoshop!

Unknown said...

The hands are so expressive! I love this idea!

Faith Cohen said...

Always a fan of the ones where the hand is drawing the drawing.

Unknown said...

Hands down my favorite!

Anonymous said...

Love the creative photography combined. This idea inspires thinking of more ways to combine Tangles and photography. Cool and different!